Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai) - Brunch

Radhika Bose, 35

Radhika is a fitness influencer and yoga instructor, who focusses on body positivity


Your social media goal for 2022?

I want to make Reels which are not trend-focussed but more about me.

How do you plan to detox?

When you work for a company, you get a day off. So, I will take a day off and put my phone away.

What made you realise that this is your social media goal?

I’ve noticed a major shift in my mood when I spend time on my devices. Excess is not good for you.

Has the pandemic had an impact on this decision?

When you’re stuck at home, you spend more time on social media.

How does social media impact your mental health?

There’s no black and white answer on what works for your mental health. I work out, which keeps me away from my devices.

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Radhika will take a day off every week from social media

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