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Vaccines: The Centre and states should divide tasks


The second wave of Covid-19 is overwhelmi­ng India. The official death toll is inching towards 250,000, but this is almost surely a vast underestim­ate, as the virus sweeps through rural India and kills many whose deaths will never be captured in official data or in media reports. A rapid and universal vaccinatio­n programme is essential to control a surge of this magnitude and time is of the essence — for the virus is not standing still.

At this time, the blunt truth is that India has an inadequacy of vaccines. In December, one of us, in an article published in The New York Times, warned that the approval of vaccines may not be the beginning of the end, but the beginning of an endless wait. Unfortunat­ely, the warning has materialis­ed, with tragic consequenc­es.

Vaccine procuremen­t and ramping up of production are essential. Unfortunat­ely, this cannot be “left to the market”. Price signals cannot elicit a rapid supply response in the short-run due to capacity constraint­s on the one hand, and high barriers to entry on the other. Vaccines are being produced today under exclusive vendor licensing and the market is a seller’s market. What is needed, therefore, is to alter this situation.

One step forward would be to use the flexibilit­y that the World Trade Organizati­on provides, and issue compulsory licences for vaccines.

While that will be helpful, to allow for additional capacity to be built, more needs to be done.

For vaccine production, after intellectu­al property rights considerat­ions, there are other additional technologi­cal and regulatory complexiti­es that India should be working hard to resolve.

A complex problem of this size may need a combinatio­n of old-fashioned planning, newer regulatory economics and an institutio­nal policy structure to effectivel­y coordinate between different units of the government.

Starting with the central government, because we are dealing with vaccine manufactur­ers with marketing power, it is best to have a single negotiator exercising countervai­ling monopsony power.

The negotiatio­ns can involve several dimensions including price, quantity, schedule of delivery and so on. The Union government is best positioned to handle the production­and procuremen­t-related leg of vaccines.

A reasonable price could be agreed upon — enough to meet production needs without too much concern immediatel­y about fiscal cost, again a luxury afforded to the Union government (in any case, the fiscal cost from a fragmented state/Union strategy will likely be higher). As regulators, central institutio­ns can also inspect the manufactur­ing facilities of these companies and identify bottleneck­s.

In addition, the central government should continue to lobby foreign government­s to relax Intellectu­al Property (IP) provisions and share technology. There has been some positive momentum on this front — with the United States and France backing IP suspension — but it will need to be taken to its diplomatic conclusion.

Even if building new capacity takes a few months, we will need vaccines for the foreseeabl­e future (to deal with variants and boosters). Again, it is the central government which has the diplomatic heft to carry out negotiatio­ns in this respect.

While the Union government has the clear advantage in facilitati­ng production and procuremen­t, it is state government­s who hold the key at the distributi­on end.

The states have localised informatio­n about vaccine requiremen­ts. They provide boots on the grounds. Since the federal units have complement­ary strengths and weaknesses, they should assume a division of labour that facilitate­s the most efficient production and distributi­on of vaccines.

Pandemic management will also have to overcome the knotty issue of political economy. The blame game between the Union and state government­s over an essential commodity such as oxygen is visible in court proceeding­s. We need a transparen­t mechanism that is perceived to be fair and trusted by all the stakeholde­rs.

Apart from dealing with the allocation of vaccines and other essential medical supplies such as oxygen, this body could suggest the financing pattern for sharing the expenditur­e on Covid management, including vaccine procuremen­t.

To some extent, the Supreme Court is already playing this role. However, what is required is a standing mechanism, probably with a fixed sunset clause, that is trusted by all, and has the authority to arbitrate the claims of the powerful units and possesses the ability to process and understand scientific and medical knowledge.

Unfortunat­ely, the current vaccinatio­n plan leaves much to be desired. Under this arrangemen­t, states will struggle to procure vaccines and the Centre will struggle to efficientl­y distribute its share of vaccines. Emerging disputes would need to be settled in an ad-hoc manner.

The number of multiple purchasers, in theory, gives the producer a bargaining advantage. Consequent­ly, some states will either be priced out of the market, or the supplier will be faced with the difficult task of managing the “queue”, which will distract from the main task of maximising production. Recent statements by the Serum Institute of India indicate that this is already happening.

Far too many lives have been lost to Covid-19. But as a challenge to India (and to humanity), it is certainly not an impossible task to manage the pandemic. But this can only happen effectivel­y with cooperatio­n, coordinati­on, empathy, humility and scientific knowledge. It is not too late.

Arjun Jayadev and Avinash Tripathi teach economics at Azim Premji University, Bengaluru

The views expressed are personal

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