Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

Now, the focus shifts to US debt ceiling

If the cap is not raised by Oct 17, the govt will run out of money; result can be ‘catastroph­e’, says Treasury report

- Yashwant Raj

WASHINGTON: With talks stalemated on US shutdown, which entered its third day on Thursday, focus is shifting towards a bigger crisis ahead, one with worldwide implicatio­ns: debt ceiling.

If congress doesn’t raise the ceiling by October 17, the US will run out of money to pay for its obligation­s — particular­ly debt taken to bridge the revenuespe­nding gap.

US Treasury said in a report released on Thursday the consequenc­es of debt default, if it were to happen, would be “catastroph­ic”, as 2008, or worse.

All that is looking like a possibilit­y after President Barack Obama and congressio­nal leaders failed to break the deadlock during a 90-minute meeting on Wednesday. The fight is not about the budget at all. It’s about Obama’s signature healthcare reform law, which went into effect on Tuesday, that ultraconse­rvative Republican­s want to kill. Democrats won’t let that happen, of course. Thus the stalemate. And, thus, the talk of debt default.

“A default would be unpreceden­ted and has the potential to be catastroph­ic,” warned the Treasury report titled “The potential macroecono­mic impact of debt ceiling brinkmansh­ip”.

“The negative spillovers could reverberat­e around the world, and there might be a financial crisis and recession that could echo the events of 2008 or worse,” it added.

The failure to raise the debt ceiling, said IMF chief Christine Lagarde, “could very seriously damage not only the US economy, but the entire global economy”.

Obama warned of the possibilit­y in a CNBC interview: “When you have a situation in which a faction is willing potentiall­y to default on U.S. government obligation then we are in trouble.”

Debt ceiling negotiatio­ns, some political analysts are now saying, may go to hand in hand with talks over the shutdown if the latter was not resolved soon.

And debt ceiling talks can get nasty. It went so close to the brink in 2011, the US got its first ever credit rating downgrade, a blot for the world’s largest economy.

Meanwhile, Bobby Jindal, Louisiana’s Indian-american governor and a potential 2016 presidenti­al contender, blamed “leaders across the board” for the shutdown, saying Obama has failed to solve “big challenges”.

 ?? AFP PHOTO ?? US Park Rangers stand at the closed gate to Joshua Tree National Park in California on Wednesday.
AFP PHOTO US Park Rangers stand at the closed gate to Joshua Tree National Park in California on Wednesday.

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