Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)



Drinking two or more cups of coffee a day almost halves your odds of developing irreversib­le liver damage, concluded an analysis of nine studies released earlier this week. Data from more than 430,000 people found that drinking two cups of coffee a day lowered risk of liver damage by 44%, and four cups lowered risk by 65%.

Lots of things damage the liver, including alcohol, hepatitis viruses, bad diet, medicine and drugs toxicity, genetic defects and autoimmune disorders. Once damaged, it takes hard work and clean living to nurse the liver back to health. Dodging damage is easier. Here are five ways to protect your liver. the liver cells, which the liver fails to break down, transfer and store effectivel­y. This warps liver function and causes inflammati­on, which leads to scarring and cirrhosis

How excess fat is distribute­d in the body plays a role in raising risk. Belly fat is more likely to cause liver damage than obesity, with 25% of NAFLD not obese. This is particular­ly true in Asians, who store fat in the abdomen and are more likely to develop heart disease and diabetes even when they are not obese.

While diets low in fat, carbs and sugars lower the workload of the liver, there is no scientific evidence to show that detox diets prevent or reverse fatty liver disease

Half of all liver cirrhosis cases are linked to alcohol abuse, says the Who,which has linked alcohol to more than 200 diseases, injuries and other health conditions. Binge-drinking — heavy episodic drinking, defined as more than six standard drinks on a single occasion once a month — can cause alcohol poisoning, alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. Though liver trouble is influenced by heredity, gender, diet, and co-occurring liver illness, most alcoholic liver damage is caused by injury from direct toxicity of metabolic by-products of alcohol and the inflammati­on induced by them.

It’s best to shun alcohol, but if you must, safe limits are one to two drinks a day for men and one for women, not exceeding 14 drinks a week. One drink is 350 ml of beer, 150 ml of wine, or 30 ml of distilled spirits.

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