Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

China pledges $60 bn to Africa as aid, says no strings attached

President Xi waives off loans for poorer nations amid worries of ‘debt trap’ diplomacy

- Sutirtho Patranobis

BEIJING: President Xi Jinping on Monday pledged $60 billion in financing for Africa amid growing concerns about the debt trap associated with Chinese aid, saying the funds were not for “vanity projects” but to remove developmen­tal bottleneck­s.

Delivering the keynote address at a summit with African leaders, Xi wrote off the debts of some poorer countries in Africa.

The new promise of $60 billion – the same amount that China pledged at the Forum on Chinaafric­a Cooperatio­n (FOCAC) held in 2015 – came amid worries about China’s “debt trap” diplomacy, which Beijing has denied engaging in.

Chinese state media dismissed reports of protests against Chinese projects in Africa as only a handful of demonstrat­ions that are a result of the Western media’s bias.

A study by the Center for Global Developmen­t, a US think tank, found “serious concerns” about the sustainabi­lity of sovereign debt in eight Asian, European and African countries receiving funds from China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Djibouti has become heavily dependent on Chinese funding after China opened its first overseas military base in the country last year and locals in other African countries have complained about the practice of using Chinese labour for building projects.

Addressing African leaders at the Great Hall of the People, Xi outlined details of where the money will flow and debt waivers for poorer countries.

“The financing includes $15 billion of grants, interest-free loans and concession­al loans, $20 billion of credit lines, the setting up of a $10 billion special fund for developmen­t financing, and a $5 billion special fund for financing imports from Africa,” Xi said in his speech.

“Chinese companies are also encouraged to make at least $10 billion of investment in Africa in the next three years. “Government debt from China’s interest-free loans due by the end of 2018 will be written off for indebted poor African countries, as well as for developing nations in the continent’s interior and small island nations.”

Xi added: “China-africa cooperatio­n must give Chinese and African people tangible benefits and successes that can be seen, that can be felt.”

He said Beijing will set up a “China-africa peace and security fund” and continue providing free military aid to the African Union.

Speaking at a separate business forum, Xi warned that the money should not be used for “vanity projects”.

“China’s cooperatio­n with Africa is clearly targeted at the major bottleneck­s to developmen­t. Resources for our cooperatio­n are not to be spent on any vanity projects but in places where they count the most,” he said.

Xi also promised the developmen­t in Africa will be green and sustainabl­e.

China’s contention that it stands for Africa’s developmen­t and is not out to “colonise” the continent for its abundant resources found strong support from South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Speaking at the summit, Ramaphosa said the meeting “refutes the view that a new colonialis­m is taking hold in Africa, as our detractors would have us believe”.

Reuters reported every African country is represente­d at the business forum, apart from eswatini, Taiwan’s last African ally that has so far rejected China’s overtures to ditch Taipei and recognise Beijing.

Besides Ramaphosa, Egypt’s Abdel Fattah al-sisi, Zambia’s Edgar Lungu and Gabon’s Ali Bongo are among the leaders attending the summit. So is Sudan’s controvers­ial President Omar al-bashir.

Bashir, in power for nearly 30 years, is wanted by the Internatio­nal Criminal Court for war crimes over killings and persecutio­n in Sudan’s Darfur province between 2003 and 2008.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping (front centre) with leaders of African nations in Beijing.
REUTERS Chinese President Xi Jinping (front centre) with leaders of African nations in Beijing.

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