Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

Unfeasible, impractica­l


“Don’t ask why healthy food is so expensive, ask why junk food is so cheap”. This quote has certainly made me think about what I ingest on a daily basis, and about problems such as obesity. The intake of fast-food and sugary drinks causes obesity, and it is essential to curb this problem.

However, there are various reasons why government­s can’t resort to taxation on junk foods and sugary drinks. Firstly, it is important to understand when a government taxes a certain product, it cannot be over 35% approximat­ely. A cola bottle costs around ₹70. An extra tax on it would take its price up to ₹85- 90, not more. Thus, taxation by the government isn’t going to make these foods ‘unaffordab­le’, and will not dissuade customers.

Secondly, obesity is a condition caused due to the habits of certain people, and taxation isn’t going to help change that. If a person has bad eating habits, he or she will continue to ingest junk food. Thirdly, a big question is what is classified as junk food, and what is not. Drawing the line between different kinds of food and having a taxation scheme is extremely unfeasible and nearly impossible for any government.

So, I strongly believe that additional taxation on junk foods and sugary drinks is impractica­l, unfeasible, and unhelpful from both a long-term and a shortterm view.

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