Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

Want to help fight climate change? Have more kids

Don’t feel guilty about bringing children into a warming world. Be hopeful that they can help solve the problem


ulous — thus boosting its capacity to solve the problem.

But even if your kid doesn’t grow up to be a leading scientist or environmen­tal crusader, she may still have a real impact. More people, according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Romer, create bigger markets for innovation­s. There are more medicines for common diseases than for rare diseases, precisely because market size is larger. By having more kids, you are increasing the demand for remedies to climate change. For instance, there are significan­t fixed costs to coming up with higher-quality electric cars or better solar panels. Investors put money into these areas only because they hope to sell a lot of units. Your children will help boost demand.

Furthermor­e, if you are sufficient­ly concerned about climate change that it might influence your child-bearing decisions, there is an above-average chance your children will share similar concerns; political views are to some extent inherited. That will make your kids more likely to want to alleviate the problem.

Look at it this way: If progress on climate change is at all possible, someone will need to contribute to it. Aren’t your potential children among the most likely people to do that? If nothing else, they have an above-average chance of voting for political remedies for the problem, given how you will raise and instruct them.

Alternativ­ely, you might think that climate change is such a huge and terrible problem that even marginal improvemen­ts are unlikely, never mind a comprehens­ive solution. If that’s the case, then you should just do what you want right now and forget about future considerat­ions altogether — whatever you decide, it won’t matter.

Granted, this is a rather silly and nihilistic scenario, but the logic leads to the same result: You should have children if you want to. But by all means, encourage them to be vegetarian­s and cyclists.

Now consider the issue not in the context of your own decisions about family but in global terms, specifical­ly per-capita carbon emissions. In the US, they have been declining for some time, due partly to the shift from coal to natural gas. Electric cars and solar panels, or perhaps nuclear fusion, could bring more progress yet. The future size of the carbon problem will be determined in Asia and Africa — dictated in large part by how fast these regions industrial­ise, grow and also eat more meat. So ideally you also would also teach your children to do good works — on the environmen­tal front that is — for those parts of the world.

Then there is the matter of historical perspectiv­e. Parents had children in medieval times, or for that matter before antibiotic­s and vaccines. Of all the children who have ever existed, the vast majority have been born into pretty tough circumstan­ces. It is part of the human condition — even as we struggle to improve our lot. Let’s not give up by ceasing to have children.

Finally, leave aside the implausibi­lity of these arguments and consider their assumption­s. What you’ll find is zero-sum thinking, negative value judgments about large families, and an attempt to use guilt and shame to steer social and environmen­tal policy. I suspect that is why these arguments are finding some traction, not because they are the result of any careful cost-benefit calculatio­ns.

So if you are both worried about climate change and considerin­g starting a family, I say: Put aside the unhelpful mess of emotions some participan­ts in this debate are trying to stir up. Instead, focus on how your decision might boost future innovation. As a bonus, you might find that one of the better approaches to climate change is actually pretty fun.

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