Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)

‘Sign of weakness’: Jayapal on cancelled Jaishankar meet

- Yashwant Raj

NEWDELHI:INDIAN American lawmaker Pramila Jayapal has said that the cancellati­on of a meeting external affairs minister S Jaishankar was to have on Capitol Hill during a recent visit on account of her presence was a “sign of weakness” for a “great democracy” like India, and that it was a “missed opportunit­y”.

Jayapal has been critical of restrictio­ns in place in Kashmir since the August 5 nullificat­ion of Article 370. She spoke forcefully against them at two hearings and has moved a bipartisan resolution in the House of Representa­tives seeking the lifting of the curbs and protecting religious freedom in India generally.

It is a “sign of weakness for any great democracy to refuse to allow those who have some criticisms to participat­e in a meeting,” Jayapal has written in an Oped in the Washington Post on Tuesday about a December 18 meeting cancelled on account of her presence. She added that was a “giant missed opportunit­y for two countries that value dialogue and dissent”.

Jaishankar was scheduled to separately meet the leadership­s of the foreign relations committees of the House of Representa­tives and the Senate on the sidelines of the 2+2 ministeria­l dialogue he and defence minister Rajnath Singh held with their American counterpar­ts last week.

The meeting with the House Foreign Affairs Committee was cancelled as the Indians felt Jayapal’s presence would be counter-productive as her position on the issues on the table were well-known, that she had made up her mind already, and that she could use the opportunit­y to “harangue” the minister. New

Delhi has also blamed the House panel for the cancellati­on saying “no Foreign Minister of any independen­t country should be pressurise­d into meeting such politician­s with their own agendas”. The congresswo­man’s hard-hitting opinion piece continues a back-and-forth between her and the US House panel on one side and the ministry of external affairs on the other into its seventh day even as some people are arguing it was time to “move on” as it has been seen to be overshadow­ing the wide swathe of outcomes.

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S Jaishankar

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