Hindustan Times ST (Mumbai)


- Abraham Thomas

NEW DELHI: Congress Member of Parliament Shashi Tharoor has approached the Supreme Court challengin­g the registrati­on of FIRS against him in several states over his erroneous tweets over the death of a protestor during the tractor rally organized in the Capital on January 26.

His petition seeks quashing of the nine first informatio­n reports (FIRS) pending against him in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

Along with him, journalist Rajdeep Sardesai has also petitioned the top court for quashing of criminal cases. The petition was filed on Wednesday and the Supreme Court is yet to number the case for listing.

In the petition, Tharoor and Sardesai have sought protection of their fundamenta­l right to free speech and expression guaranteed under Article 19(1)(a) of the Constituti­on. The genesis of the cases against them ate tweets in which Tharoor and Sardesai attributed the death of a protestor during the tractor rally in the Capital to police firing.

Tharoor later deleted the tweet after coming to know that the protestor died after he rammed his tractor into police barricades, causing it to flip over.

On January 30, the Delhi Police lodged a case against Tharoor, Sardesai and several others for alleged misreporti­ng and spreading disharmony. Simultaneo­usly, cases were lodged at Gurugram in Haryana and in Madhya Pradesh under serious charges of sedition (IPC Section 124A) besides provisions of promoting enmity (IPC Section 153A), making assertions prejudicia­l to national integratio­n (IPC Section 153B), and some provisions under the Informatio­n Technology Act.

Tharoor and Sardesai have further stated that the multiple FIRS against them were a mala fide exercise that was politicall­y motivated as the contents of the FIRS were identical.

The other persons who have been named in these FIRS are also believed to have approached the top court for relief.

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