Hindustan Times (Noida)



PARIS: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday became the first Western leader to acknowledg­e his country had heard recordings of the killing of Saudi writer Jamal Khashoggi.

“Canada has been fully briefed up on what Turkey had to share,” Trudeau said from Paris, where he was attending the Peace Forum following the WW 1 Armistice centenary.

His comments come just days after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he had given recordings “to Saudi Arabia, to America, to the Germans, the French, to the British, to all of them.”

The Canadian leader is the first since that announceme­nt to officially confirm that “yes” his country’s intelligen­ce had listened to the audio. He said Canada’s intelligen­ce agencies had been working “very closely” with Turkish intelligen­ce on Khashoggi’s killing.


Turkey on Monday lashed out at “unacceptab­le” and “impertinen­t” comments by the French foreign minister who accused President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of playing a “political game” over the murder of Khashoggi. Asked if the Turkish president was lying, Jean-yves Le Drian told France 2 television: “It means that he has a political game to play in these circumstan­ces.”

His comments provoked fury in Ankara. “We find it unacceptab­le that he accused President Erdogan of ‘playing political games’,” the communicat­ions director at the Turkish presidency, Fahrettin Altun, told AFP in a statement.

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