Hindustan Times (Noida)

Why is India’s no first use policy under strain?

China’s rise, Pakistan’s clever use of terrorists and our access to better tech have diluted the NFU consensus


In 2014, the election manifesto of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) included a promise to “revise and update” India’s nuclear doctrine. It gave rise to speculatio­ns that the Narendra Modi government, upon being elected, would consider revoking India’s pledge of no first use (NFU) of nuclear weapons. In an interview to ANI, Modi quelled those speculatio­ns by asserting that NFU won’t be revoked. “No first use is a reflection of our cultural inheritanc­e,” Modi added. Not just a politician like Modi, but scholars too had once tried to explain India’s nuclear posture using arguments of culture. Rajesh Basrur, an expert on South Asian security, had argued that minimalism and restraint are part of India’s “nuclear-strategic culture”. Culture can certainly be one of the factors but nuclear postures are first and foremost decided on the basis of structural realities.

As another scholar, Kanti Bajpai, argued in a 2000 paper, India’s nuclear posture after the 1998 tests evolved through a debate between three different schools of nuclear thinking: rejectioni­sm; pragmatism; and maximalism. The final posture correspond­s to the school which is more aligned with structural realities at that point of time. That India chose NFU in its draft nuclear doctrine (1999) and official nuclear doctrine (2003) was a result of structural factors favouring pragmatist­s.

However, in recent times, we have seen a number of statements from sitting and retired senior members of the nuclear security establishm­ent questionin­g the NFU policy. No less than the then defence minister, Manohar Parrikar, expressed doubts over the utility of NFU in November 2016. Most recently, Lt Gen (retd.), BS Nagal, former commander-in-chief of the Strategic Forces Command, has called the NFU policy a “formula for disaster” and argued for dropping it forthwith.

It is true that India still officially sticks to a NFU policy but it is hard to deny that the consensus around NFU has weakened and that the maximalist position has grown stronger. How have structural factors diluted the NFU consensus? In three ways.

First, NFU policy suits a power which wants to deter just nuclear wars. In other words, if a nuclear weapons State is comfortabl­y placed on a convention­al (or, more broadly, non-nuclear) front with respect to its adversarie­s, it does not need to threaten first use of its nuclear bombs. India was, and continues to remain, a stronger con- ventional power compared to Pakistan. While China was convention­ally stronger, India felt somewhat protected due to difficult terrain on the Himalayan border. Now, China’s impressive infrastruc­ture and massive military modernisat­ion have effectivel­y eroded the Himalayan buffer. Now, the convention­al disparity between India and China is not just huge but also more palpable. This is putting immense pressure on India’s NFU policy.

Second, India’s convention­al advantage has been blunted by Pakistan through a clever use of sub-convention­al assets (read terrorists) and threat of using tactical nuclear weapons against any Indian convention­al response to a 26/11 type of an attack. India’s nuclear doctrine, that professes massive retaliatio­n even against use of midget nukes, does not help. Pre-emptive counterfor­ce (CF) strikes, if they can be executed, seem to be a way out of this problem. Nagal has openly advocated this strategy and Shivshanka­r Menon, the former national security adviser, has indicated openness to the idea.

Third, India today has access to much better technology than it had in 2003 when it released its nuclear doctrine. In their forthcomin­g paper, “India’s Counterfor­ce Temptation­s”, two Us-based scholars, Christophe­r Clary and Vipin Narang, list out the technologi­es that enable a CF posture for India. New Delhi now has more missiles and more accurate ones. It has high quality surveillan­ce platforms. It can access commercial­ly available remote sensing technologi­es. It is developing MIRVS (multiple independen­tly-targetable re-entry vehicles) and investing in missile and air defence systems. While most of these developmen­ts may be relevant for China, they also make India more capable than ever before of executing CF strikes against Pakistan. However, it should be noted that India is still a long way away from possessing the capability of executing successful CF strikes. And it may never reach there because Pakistan is rapidly increasing its arsenal size and improving the survivabil­ity of its nuclear weapons.

India’s solid fuel missiles have enabled it to move towards canisteris­ed systems for storing its land-based ballistic missiles. Such systems can reduce turnaround times — earlier India used to rely on physical separation of components to prevent unauthoriz­ed use — and hence are suitable even for pre-emptive strikes in case the rival is shown to be readying its nuclear assets for use. Canisteris­ation has further enabled India’s nuclear deterrent to move to the seas. With INS Arihant, a nuclear propelled ballistic missile submarine (SSBN), India has a credible sea-based deterrent. With a couple of more SSBNS, it can boast of a genuine nuclear triad. But SSBNS involve premating of warheads with ballistic missiles, and hence increase the strain on command and control, especially with the NFU policy intact. Both canisteris­ation and sea-based deterrence thus increase the strain on NFU policy.

These three changes have created a more propitious ground for nuclear maximalist­s. There is no single strategic culture that is immune to changes in structural realities.


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