Hindustan Times (Noida)

India can gain massively from the space race

The last one between the Soviet Union and the US helped them modernise industries


The moon completes one revolution around the earth in the same time as it completes one rotation around its axis. This means that we on earth always get to see the same side of the moon. The other, dark, side of the moon, has been understudi­ed and could reveal a number of things about its origin and that of the earth. With Chang’e-4’s landing last week, China became the first country to land a spacecraft on the dark side of the moon. India’s Chandrayan-2 has a similar remit. The two Asian giants seem to be locked in a space race. India has recently decided to send a human into space. It also plans to send an orbiter mission to Venus and a second mission to Mars. China has its own mission to Venus but it plans to put a lander and a rover on Mars before that. Its targets before 2030 include exploratio­n of Jupiter and asteroids as well.

In sheer terms of budget and achievemen­ts, China is ahead of India but the latter has not done badly given its myriad economic challenges. The race, though, has only begun. This race is an opportunit­y to be taken advantage of. The previous episode of a space race between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War helped both the superpower­s modernise their industries. The battle for ideologica­l supremacy may have had other negatives, but it proved a boon for the march of technology.

The winner of the Cold War race — the US — is by no means out of the game. Its private industry, led by Elon Musk’s Spacex, is churning out new ambitious projects like a trip to the moon for customers who agree to pay. The next big thing is militarisa­tion of space. The US has announced a space force, Russia has had an aerospace force since 2015 and China’s space programme has always had military aspiration­s. India opposes weaponisat­ion of space but having an opinion does not count for much unless you have capabiliti­es. New Delhi, one hopes, would have learnt the right lessons from the history of nuclear disarmamen­t debate.

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