Hindustan Times (Noida)

‘Mental Health Issues Are Not Exaggerate­d’


1. How is online teaching hampering developmen­t of social skills? Social skills broadly encompass effective communicat­ion, both verbal and nonverbal, personal appearance, respecting others' viewpoint besides others. Online teaching is a saviour for education even during the pandemic. It was a time for learning social skills too, we have to admit. Resolving small arguments with friends, respecting others' opinion, being able to express themselves better by listening to others, understand­ing body language is something they are missing out on. Yet, staying at home has developed a few qualities. They are more sensitive to people's feelings and mental health issues. I hope they will emerge better, stronger and kinder.

2. What kind of emotional support is required for the children ? Mental health issues are not exaggerate­d. Even children can be inflicted with mental health issues. We need to be more empathetic towards people going through depression and anxiety as their condition can rub off on their children too. So communicat­ion is the key here. Talking with the children and guiding them, telling them about ways to deal with stress , like reading , talking with friends, sharing humour with family and friends , helping each other with chores at home can be good stress management tools.

3. Do teachers also face issues with mental health ?

Yes, teachers are also facing a great deal of mental health issues. They are expected to be perfect in all respects all the time. Yet, they have shown remarkable courage and resilience. Online classes are taxing on them too as they constantly have to ensure that the children are paying attention. Earlier, they could maintain eye contact to ensure that. They attend webinars to upgrade their skills, the teachers workload has increased manifold. The seemingly time bound zoom or teams classes actually goes beyond the classroom all the time. They are conducting extracurri­cular activities too in ways as normal as possible.

All this is really taxing on the teachers. But despite all this, teachers being a really brave lot are coping exceedingl­y well!

P.L Rana, Principal, St. Andrews Scots Senior Secondary School, I.P Extension

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