Hindustan Times (Noida)



... as you can see, the electorate has rejected the BJP completely. They had one seat, and that has been lost

THIRUVANAN­THAPURAM: Despite facing several odds, chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan led the CPI(M)-LED Left Democratic Front to a sterling victory in Kerala, rewriting the four-decade-old electoral trend of the state changing government­s after every five years. The 76-year-old architect of the win is about to take the crease for his second innings. He spoke to

Ramesh Babu about how he did it, and stressed that his party’s return to power will help Left and secular forces across the country.

Edited excerpts:

Your government bucked the four-decade-old political tradition of Kerala alternatin­g government­s every five years. How did you do this?

It is true that history has been made in Kerala. However, I don’t see this as our achievemen­t alone. In fact, this is the achievemen­t of the people. They were very clear that the protagonis­ts of negative politics were kept away from power. People have rewarded us mainly because we kept our promises, almost fully, despite major calamities. For the first time in the country, we were able to bring out progress reports every year in relation to our commitment­s. The transparen­cy we ushered in enabled people to have a proper connect with the administra­tion. Welfare measures and developmen­tal efforts helped us create a new culture that the people endorsed through this huge mandate.

The Kerala victory is being seen as a sign of Left revival, but the party and its ideology faced a debacle in Bengal. What lessons can the Left take from Kerala?

It’s true that we have received setbacks in Bengal. But the historic victory in Kerala will certainly reinvigora­te Left and secular forces in the country. They always looked up to Kerala, as we have been relentless­ly fighting the communal agenda propelled by the RSS. We were also able to put across an alternativ­e agenda on both social and economical spheres. I am sure this Left victory will inspire many.

In this surge, you managed to close the BJP’S account in Kerala. But many say the BJP may aspire to take some of the space vacated by the Congress in the state? Do you foresee any such threat?

As you must have followed what we often said, the Left has been consistent in its fight against the BJP. During the election campaign, I categorica­lly said that the account of the BJP would be closed, and as you can see, the electorate has rejected the BJP completely. They had one seat, and that has been lost. Moreover, their voting percentage has come down considerab­ly. The media has been reporting that their votes couldn’t even match their membership! I don’t want to speak about the future of Congress. However, it would be good for them if they can stop their soft attitude towards the BJP. I wish wisdom descends on the Congress leadership.

Several scandals rocked your government, and central agencies probed some of the cases. You called it a larger conspiracy to weaken your government.

Yes, the conspiracy was explicit. We know that everywhere in the country central investigat­ing agencies are being used against political opponents. There are many examples. Rahul Gandhi says he is one of the victims of the central agencies’ political witch-hunting. Unfortunat­ely, the Congress in Kerala joined hands with the BJP to destabilis­e the Left Front government and collaborat­e with the central agencies. The people of Kerala firmly rejected all canards propagated against the Left government. We know that some of the agencies violated laws and constituti­onal provisions. We will fight this.

The fight against Covid was one of reasons for your return? But cases are on the rise again. How will you go about controllin­g the surge?

The efforts of the government are backed by a well-knit health system. Apart from this, various agencies and organisati­ons are supporting the government to tide over this grave crisis. Containing the pandemic is our major task, and we are confident of success. We are working in unison with the central government to contain the spread of virus.

People close to you say that you are a tough taskmaster and work like a CEO? Any perceptibl­e change in your style of functionin­g in 2.0?

The media has a habit of stereotypi­ng. They should realise that people know their leaders well. Every person has his or her style of functionin­g. What is important is how you function to develop your state, to mitigate the sufferings of the people, to create more job opportunit­ies for the educated youth. People will evaluate you on your performanc­e or delivery.

You said infra developmen­t will be top on your agenda in the next five years. Any big projects to cite?

Of course, we have to create infrastruc­ture to global standards to attract more investment, develop tourism, and to create jobs. The new government will formulate projects in accordance with our manifesto.

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