Hindustan Times (Noida)



European Union’s (EU) food products are a delicious expression of the varied climates and local growing conditions of its 27 Member States. The amazingly versatile range of agricultur­al products can transform any eating experience into one you have never lived before.

Chefs across the world delight in cooking with food from Europe, and diners relish authentici­ty and quality two of its many outstandin­g attributes that are served on their plates.

The EU prides itself on having the most authentic products and rightly so, as each EU country or region has sustained ancient techniques perfected over generation­s to produce food and drinks. These techniques reflect a context of local climates, soils, cultures, values, and history, which together makes a variety of flavours that are truly one-of-a-kind.

Skilled farmers and manufactur­ers have carefully ensured that this legacy of taste remains true to its origins. Quality controls are in place at every stage of European agricultur­al production – from farm to fork – and allow every agri-food product to be traced back to its origins, anywhere in the EU.

In fact, 250+ varieties of cheese and dairy products are registered in a database of protected geographic­al indication­s, guaranteei­ng their authentic character. And this is just a part of everything European products (and specifical­ly cheese) have to offer! Equally important is the EU’S commitment to quality.

Consumers can always be assured that the EU products they’re purchasing are up to the highest standards, which are the result of years of knowledge. Food and drinks in the EU are produced, processed, and marketed in alignment with comprehens­ive standards – the strictest in the world. Europe’s best practices in farming, cutting-edge production procedures, processing methods and standards ensure that every bite is a trusted experience. For instance, for wine, Protected Geographic­al Indication (PGI) rule under the quality scheme states that at least 85% of the grapes used must come exclusivel­y from the geographic­al area where the wine is made.

In an endeavour to bring alive the flavours of Europe for the Indian palette, the EU has launched its ‘More Than Food’ campaign. Featuring Indian chefs, the campaign is an experienti­al journey into the culinary diversity of the EU and showcases how it complement­s Indian cuisine sensibilit­ies.

Speaking about the project,

Ambassador for the “More Than Food” campaign in India, Chef Guntas Sethi Bhasin said , “I am deeply delighted to take forward the European Union’s ‘More Than Food’ campaign in India. The ingredient­s that Europe brings to the Indian dining table offer incredible flavour and diversity. The region’s commitment to authentici­ty, quality, safety and sustainabi­lity shines in every bite, and the campaign is bringing alive the authentic heritage of the European food culture.”

Through their commitment to authentici­ty and quality, European products provide you with a sense of exploring Europe’s 27 Member States via the flavour route.

But don’t take our word for it – taste Europe for yourself!


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