Hindustan Times (Noida)

Why generative AI is disrupting the edtech landscape

- Rakesh Gupta letters@hindustant­imes.com The author is founder & managing partner, Loestro Advisors

2022 was the year in which AI took the world by storm. Although artificial intelligen­ce as a concept has existed since the 1950s, researcher­s have only recently begun to make real headway in the space. And after decades of trial and error, last year was when their work truly took on a life of its own.

Generative AI first announced its advent through the visual medium. The AI image generator Dall-e 2, released by the AI research company Openai, allowed anyone to create striking images by typing a few words into a box; the only limit was their imaginatio­n. This tool was free to use, simple to understand, and capable of creating stunning imagery – naturally, it became a global sensation overnight, with users embracing its potential to unleash their creativity. A slew of rivals quickly, such as Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, quickly followed, even as a fierce debate broke out over the merits and threats posed by Ai-generated art.

But this was just the opening phase of an even larger debate around the implicatio­ns of AI. The focus swiftly shifted to its impact on the booming edtech industry with the November release of CHATGPT, Openai’s newest generative AI tool. Five days after going public,

CHATGPT had crossed the one million users mark. By January of this year, it was estimated to have reached 100 million monthly active users, just two months after launching, making it the fastest-growing consumer app in history. Compare this to the nine months it took Tiktok to reach 100 million users, or the two and a half years for Instagram.

Just as with the preceding wave of AI image generators, Chatgpt’s ability to generate responses to prompts captivated the public. This has been especially true in the education space, where teachers and students quickly recognized its potential to transform the learning experience. With tools like CHATGPT, they could reshape their engagement with educationa­l solutions and foster a more interactiv­e and personalis­ed approach. However, this rapid evolution in the space has presented the edtech industry with a critical question – how can generative AI best be harnessed to drive the industry into the future?

Generative AI’S potential in edtech

Traditiona­l learning systems have always struggled to be effective at scale. Every group of students will have a wide range of competenci­es and subject preference­s. Some may excel in maths and the sciences, while others may be more inclined towards the arts. But while personal learning may provide the best results, no current learning system can devote that sort of attention to a single student. The integratio­n of Ai-powered chatbots in edtech platforms addresses this issue. When provided with the appropriat­e inputs, they can create customised curriculum­s for every learner, provide real-time feedback, and build on their strengths while addressing gaps in their knowledge. This approach has been shown to result in significan­t improvemen­ts in test scores and overall academic performanc­e, as best exemplifie­d by Benjamin Bloom’s seminal paper on the 2 Sigma problem. Per his research, Bloom concluded that one-on-one tutoring, coupled with regular tests and feedback, resulted in students performing 2 standard deviations (sigma) above the average of the typical class. Conversati­onal AI has finally equipped educators with the tools they need to put this theory into practice.

Virtual Tutors

The integratio­n of AI tools in classrooms can exponentia­lly increase a single teacher’s effectiven­ess, through the aid of virtual tutors and teaching assistants. The incorporat­ion of advanced AI routines and functions such as natural language processing (NLP) allows for individual­ised support to be given to each student. Companies such as Openai and Cognii are developing systems that allow students to fact-check and proofread their work, and receive real-time feedback on assignment­s and projects. From the tutor’s point of view, virtual assistants act as a bridge with their students, allowing them to focus on the larger discussion topics. They can also act in an administra­tive function, taking on time-consuming tasks such as tracking attendance, scheduling classes, and helping create assignment­s and revision packages.

Solving doubts on demand

Generative AI grants students the ability to freely and instantane­ously generate a response to their queries. Contrast this with typical classroom situation, where students have a limited time slot in which to have their doubts and confusions resolved. With its ability to generate human-like responses, chatbots can provide personalis­ed and on-demand support to a student for his studies. When presented with a question, the system analyses it and draws from a vast databank of knowledge to immediatel­y present a concise response. If the student is still unclear, they can continue the line of questionin­g until they get a clear and detailed explanatio­n. A student taught to harness these capabiliti­es is, therefore, at a massive advantage to his peers, empowered to seek out knowledge and study independen­tly of a classroom’s confines.

The emergence of generative AI marks a transforma­tive era in edtech. It has already significan­tly changed teaching and learning methodolog­ies, with a recent Impact Research study revealing that over 30 per cent of students and 50 per cent of teachers have embraced CHATGPT in the classroom. Notably, a majority in both groups highlighte­d the positive impact of this shift. But while the role of generative AI in edtech holds immense promise, the considerat­ions it raises can’t be ignored. By ensuring generative AI is used to supplement existing methodolog­ies, and establishi­ng a shared set of guidelines and responsibi­lities, the ed-tech community can create a learning ecosystem that is safe, personalis­ed, and inclusive towards all.


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