Hindustan Times (West UP)

‘Congress to guarantee MSP to farmers if it comes to power’

- HT Correspond­ent letters@htlive.com

MEERUT: All India Congress Committee spokespers­on Ragini Nayak said here on Thursday that if the Congress came to power, it would guarantee minimum support price for crops to farmers.

Addressing mediaperso­ns in the party office here, she accused the Modi government of ruining the country’s economy with its wrong policies in the past 10 years. On the ongoing farmers’ protest, she said that the government was scared of farmers and its oppressive policies were a reminder of the British Raj.

Nayak said that if a Congress government was formed at the Centre, farmers would be given a legal guarantee of minimum support price for their crops, as per the Swaminatha­n Commission report. This would ensure the prosperity of 15 crore farmer families. This was the first guarantee of the Congress for providing justice to people, she said.

Nayak said that the Congress strongly condemned the blocking of roads and use of force by the Modi government to stop the farmers’ peaceful march to Delhi. “Our direct allegation is that the central government lied to the farmers on the issue of minimum support price and broke the promise. For this PM Modi should apologize to country,” she said. Making a scathing attack on the ruling party, she said that during its 10-year tenure, the Modi government had only worked to ruin the country’s economy. The last 10 years of Modi government had been a period of injustice to the country. Inflation was skyrocketi­ng and unemployme­nt was at its peak today. Contrary to the promise of two crore jobs every year, the number of central government employees had decreased. About 30 lakh government posts were lying vacant, she said.

Even before the corona epidemic, unemployme­nt was recorded at its highest level in 45 years. People’s income was not increasing, resulting in domestic savings falling to a 50-year low. The value of the Indian rupee against the US dollar had fallen to a record low. The gross NPA of public sector banks had increased by almost 7 times. Under the UPA government, it was Rs 8 lakh crore between 2004 and 2014 but under the Modi government, between 2014 and 2023, it had increased to Rs 55 lakh crore, Nayak said.

 ?? HT PHOTO ?? Ragini Nayak addressing mediaperso­ns at the party office in Meerut on Thursday.
HT PHOTO Ragini Nayak addressing mediaperso­ns at the party office in Meerut on Thursday.

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