Hindustan Times (West UP)



has been presenting themed budgets with the first being “swaraj” (self-rule).

Atishi, who announced an allocation of Rs 8,423 crore for the Municipal Corporatio­n of Delhi, said the government was working with the Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad to modernise the tax collection system with the use of artificial intelligen­ce.

Education received the highest allocation (Rs 16,396 crore), followed by health (Rs 8,685 crore), which have been AAP’s focus areas.

Atishi said 38 schools of excellence have been opened since 2021-22. “The tin-shed schools have turned into talent schools. Kejriwal has pushed the government schools into the league of the best in the country.” She said students from poor families were now getting admission to top institutes.

She said 2121 Delhi government school students cleared exams for admissions to top engineerin­g and medical colleges in 2023-2024.

Atishi said the healthcare system was sick and people preferred private hospitals before 2014. “In the last nine years, the health care system has been transforme­d. In 2014-15, there were 9523 beds in the hospitals which has increased to 13708 now...over 1.5 times more patients are being treated in these hospitals.”

She said Kejriwal prioritise­d women’s safety. “In 10 years, the AAP government has taken multiple measures to provide women relief through free and quality education, free electricit­y, water, and free pilgrimage.”

She said around 1.1 million women travel for free on buses daily. “From 2019, Kejriwal has provided women in Delhi with the freedom to travel for free on buses...” She announced an allocated Rs 80 crore for the free pilgrimage scheme.

Atishi said four state-of-theart court complexes will be built in 2024-25 in Rohini, Karkardoom­a, Shastri Park, and Rouse Avenue. “In the fiscal year 2014-15, the budget for the justice system was Rs 760 crore...in 2024-25, it has increased by nearly four times, reaching Rs 3,098 crore.”

Atishi said Delhi successful­ly met its peak power demand of 7,438 MW without load shedding in 2023-24. She added that 2.2 million families receive zero electricit­y bills. “About 30% of Delhi’s power supply comes from green and renewable energy.”

She announced Rs 3,353 crore allocation for the power sector. “The subsidy scheme will continue.” She added around 62.5% of homes in Delhi receive water completely free of cost. “After 2014, the Kejriwal government has laid 2422 kilometers of new water pipelines and 3100 kilometers of new sewer pipelines... 99.6% of unauthoris­ed colonies have water pipelines.”

She said the AAP government has developed a network of roads and flyovers in Delhi. “The Kejriwal government has constructe­d 30 new corridors, flyovers, bridges, and underpasse­s in the past nine years, to make traffic smoother in the city.”

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