Hindustan Times (West UP)

CM: Houses of those who tampered with recruitmen­t exams raided

- HT Correspond­ent letters@htlive.com

LUCKNOW : Chief minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday said those involved in recruitmen­t exam paper leaks had been given a “fitting lesson” and their “houses were raided and properties confiscate­d”.

Distributi­ng appointmen­t letters to 39 sub-divisional magistrate­s (SDMs), 41 deputy superinten­dents of police (DSPs) and 16 treasurer/account officers selected by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission at his official residence, Adityanath said the selection was completed in record time.

“For the first time, any commission and board has completed the selection process in just nine months,” said Yogi at the programme organised to distribute the appointmen­t letters, according to a press release.

The CM said the selection process was completely fair and transparen­t, without any recommenda­tion or interferen­ce.

“Those who tried to tamper with the integrity of the examinatio­n suffered the consequenc­es. Their houses were raided and properties confiscate­d. The government has decided to teach all those who play with the future of the youth a fitting lesson,” the CM was quoted as saying in an official statement.

Yogi Adityanath government has provided government jobs to more than 6.5 lakh youths under Mission Rozgar in the last seven years.

“The overall perception changes when the government works with honesty. You must have seen that those who faced an identity crisis in the state earlier, proudly say today that they belong to Uttar Pradesh. The transforma­tion has been facilitate­d by the government’s decision-making process,” he remarked.

Addressing the newly selected candidates, Adiyanath said: “You have 30 to 35 years to serve the public and to seek their blessings for a bright future.”

“As a result of our effective action plan, jobs and employment have been provided to crores of youth in the state while the state’s per capita income and GDP have increased significan­tly. UP has emerged as the country’s second-largest economy,” added the CM. He urged the newly selected candidates to discharge their role as the engine of the government.

“Today, technology has improved. By the time you come to the field, we will have succeeded in digitizing all revenue functions. Even after this, cases of revenue-related disputes will arise. In such a situation, to settle these matters, you will have to stay in your tehsil and focus. Also, the pendency will have to be resolved in a time-bound manner,” he added.

He said the role of deputy SPs is important in maintainin­g law and order and resolving revenue-related matters. “They must regularly visit the police station and watch every activity including preparatio­n of charge sheet,” added the CM.

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