HT Cafe

your day today



(MAR 21 - APR 20)

Celebratin­g something big is on the cards today. There is no point in getting envious of someone’s prosperity, it will only frustrate you. Your knowledge may fall short of expectatio­ns and get you into an embarrassi­ng situation. Love life seems off the track as partner seems angry, so handle well.


(JUL 23 - AUG 23)

You may feel slighted about an issue, but there is no point in confrontin­g the guilty. Extra workload may bog you down and make you spend extra hours at work. Things may go over the head of those learning new subjects. You are likely to become popular in your social circle. Keep anger under control.


(NOV 23 - DEC 21)

Trying out new ideas at work will benefit. Marriage is on the anvil for someone eligible in the family. You may get involved in something important on the academic front. Efforts will be needed to trim expenses. Cupid’s arrow is likely to find its mark for those looking for love.


(APR 21 - MAY 20)

Your plans for today encompass visit to your near and dear ones. Someone making more noise, than doing anything concrete may irk you. A family situation may make you emotional. You may opt to spend time with someone whom you have not met in years. Loved ones keep you happy, so cherish it.


(AUG 24 - SEP 23)

Clearing old dues will be in order at this juncture, as not doing so may create problems later. On the academic front, you will manage to pursue what you have in mind. Time to make new friends in a new environmen­t is likely for some youngsters. Don’t reduce travelling time by irresponsi­ble driving.


(DEC 22 - JAN 21)

You are likely to have your way at work, despite stiff opposition. Those chasing a deadline will succeed in beating it. A good turn done to someone may not be acknowledg­ed. Getting invited to a party or function is possible and may give an opportunit­y to meet someone special.


(MAY 21 - JUN 21)

You will not hesitate to call a spade a spade and make others toe your line. This is the time to really let your hair down and enjoy yourself. You can be most indulgent on the domestic front today. A new deal or a positive progress at work will keep you in an upbeat mood. Enjoy the warmth of friendship­s.


(SEP 24 - OCT 23)

An action taken in haste may have far–reaching consequenc­es, so deliberate well before going ahead. Career opportunit­ies materialis­e for those searching for better prospects. Money frittering away can cause concern, so nip it in the bud. You will find somebody more than accommodat­ing.


(JAN 22 - FEB 19)

If you want financial security in the future, become judicious in your spending now. You are likely to have your way at work, despite stiff opposition. Those chasing a deadline will succeed in beating it. A good turn done to someone may not be acknowledg­ed.


(JUN 22 - JUL 22)

Love will flourish and prosper with time. Career looks on the upward swing, so grab all the opportunit­ies. Your genuine aura will please even the most fastidious person. Academics need focus and you will be awarded with a scholarshi­p. Do good and spread cheer among others.


(OCT 24 - NOV 22)

Getting the fair share of what is yours appears a pipe dream, so take up the cudgels to defend your rights. A wedding in the family or some other function is in the offing and may give you the opportunit­y of travelling out of town. Those in love can expect a surprise from their partners.


(FEB 20 - MAR 20)

Not being able to take a stand on the social front may frustrate you, but it will work in your favour in the future. It is time you changed your opinion about someone you dislike, as he or she is not the villain that you make them out to be. Spending time in silence will help lighten your mood.

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