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Is being a vegetarian better?


Anon-vegetarian diet, high in animal protein, saturated fat and refined sugar, is known to be strongly associated with most cancers and degenerati­ve diseases like arthritis, heart disease, diabetes. So should we switch to vegetarian­ism as a way of life?

Although there are many benefits in following a vegetarian diet, it involves complicati­ons too. Being a healthy vegetarian takes commitment to ensure that you are replacing the nutrients you have cut out from animal foods with plantbased alternativ­es.

Essential nutrient sources for vegetarian­s

People following vegetarian diets can get all the required nutrients if they eat a wide variety of foods to meet their nutritiona­l needs. Here are some of the most nutritious food sources for vegetarian­s:

Vitamin B12: Dairy prod

■ ucts, eggs, vitamin-fortified products such as cereals, breads, semolina and wheat grass juice.

Vitamin D: Milk, mush

■ rooms, vitamin D–fortified orange juice and cereals.

Calcium: Dairy products,

■ green vegetables, broccoli, dried beans, soy and cereals.

Protein: Dairy products,

■ eggs and other soy products, all pulses, sprouts and nuts.

Iron: Eggs, whole pulses and

■ grains, dried fruits and leafy green vegetables.

Zinc: Nuts, fortified cereal,

■ pulses, whole grains, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.

The confusion of switching to vegetarian­ism as a way of life can be cleared only by understand­ing the basic principles of healthy eating. In reality, most Indians are vegetarian­s. Most non–vegetarian­s in India eat fish, chicken and eggs two to three times a week, which should not pose problems. It’s certainly better to be a vegetarian only if one knows the true meaning of being one.

Ironically, the concept of vegetarian food for most vegetarian­s is a mishmash of refined, low-fibre and predominan­tly grain-based foods like kadhi-chawal, vegetable biryani (with only a sprinkling of vegetables), chole bature, cutlets or baked dishes. Potatoes form more than 50 per cent of their total vegetable intake.

Expert take

Each one of us is different with a unique biochemist­ry. So notice how your body reacts to vegetarian food. Until then, follow the 80:20 rule — eat 80 per cent of your diet as whole grains and pulses, fruits, vegetables and include 20 per cent of milk products, fish, eggs and chicken occasional­ly. This will ensure that you get all the health benefits that a vegetarian diet offers and yet be able to enjoy small amounts of animal protein.

Whether you are vegetarian or non-vegetarian, choose to eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce the intake of saturated fats, fried food, refined flour, refined oil and refined sugar.

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