HT Cafe

your day today

- astrologer & vastu expert DR PREM KUMAR SHARMA Can be contacted at: Delhi: 91-11-26449898, 26489899 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-1722562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 91-2226398641 (Last week of every month)


(MAR 21 - APR 20)

You may have to keep up the pace at work. The day is favourable to initiate a project on the profession­al front. You will be able to impress those who are concerned with your performanc­e on the academic front.


(APR 21 - MAY 20)

It's a good time to start something new. Consider the capabiliti­es of your subordinat­es before you delegate tasks to them. Maintain your focus on the academic front, as you are likely to get distracted easily.


(MAY 21 - JUN 21)

Your keenness to finish a task at work may yield good results. You need to devote time and energy to your studies. An issue on the domestic front needs to be resolved. A vacation with your partner is on the cards.


(JUN 22 - JUL 22)

Something that you have been wishing for is likely to happen soon. Those in two minds on the academic front must listen to their heart. Marriage is on the cards for those who are single. You will impress your seniors at work.


(JUL 23 - AUG 23)

You may face a financial crisis, but you will cope with the situation by focussing on the things you do best. There will be someone to help you on the academic front, so don't worry. On the work front, be cautious of untruthful people.


(AUG 24 - SEP 23)

You may need to change your habits and project a better image if you expect to get a break in your career. Luck will remain on your side on the academic front. For retailers, a new product launched with much fanfare may not get the desired response.


(SEP 24 - OCT 23)

You may come into the limelight at work. Don't disclose your plans to rivals. A competitiv­e environmen­t on the academic front may intimidate you, but you will manage to hold your own. Good decisions taken by you will be noticed by your seniors.


(OCT 24 - NOV 22)

It is important to gain the confidence of your seniors, to get what you want. A realisatio­n will give you mental peace and satisfacti­on. Wealth will come your way from unexpected sources. Make plans for a family holiday.


(NOV 23 - DEC 21)

You may have to make a choice on the academic front. Be tolerant with those who are new in the job, even if you find this difficult to accept. You will succeed in pacifying a distraught family member with your soothing words.


(DEC 22 - JAN 21)

You are likely to find success on the profession­al front. Manage your finances well to avoid a cash crunch. The domestic front may keep you tied up with extra work, and take up a lot of your time. A situation at work will need to be tackled on priority.


(JAN 22 - FEB 19)

Send the right signals to those who matter at work if you want to move up the career ladder. Organising an event may leave you with little personal time. Your thoughts need to be backed by actions to get things moving on the work front.


(FEB 20 - MAR 20)

Your persistenc­e will help you achieve success on the academic front. It is best to stick to your budget in a new venture to make it successful. Learning additional skills will add to your knowledge. Your health remains fine.

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