HT Cafe

‘Let your parents help’


My wife is good friends with a man from your neighbourh­ood. At times, when I return from work, I find him at my house talking to my wife. My wife even chats with him on WhatsApp. I feel there is more than friendship between them. My wife says they are only friends. How can I find out the truth? — Truth seeker

The famous scientist XYZ tried an experiment with bananas for a week. He then separated two bananas from the bunch and replaced them with apples. He found that this upset the two missing bananas, who quite frankly were going bananas over the separation. Tell your wife the whole truth. She may need to step back a bit from Mr Friendly. He appears to be way too close for comfort. I am in love with my colleague, but I don’t have the courage to tell her. I am told she is dating someone. Should I just forget her or wait till she breaks up? — NN

Of course not. But if you are willing to consume what I suggested, you already have plenty of courage. If she’s got a boyfriend, you may need to cool your heels for a bit. If she doesn’t, don’t waste any more time, start the process. The process is similar to buying a flat. So, be quick, and be prepared for ups and downs. I wouldn’t unload your feelings as yet. First, get to know each other. Feelings, come later, after dates and before break-ups. Two years ago, I broke up and found love again. About two weeks ago, I met my ex at an event. While going back home, one thing led to another and I ended up at her house, and we had sex. That night, we also decided never to contact each other again because she is dating someone. I feel guilty as I cheated on my girlfriend. Should I confess the truth? — DT

The conscience was only invented in 4th century BC. in Rome, Italy. It was Centurion Dudley XVI who invented it. Dudley ran over his father, in his bedroom, with his chariot, by mistake. Dudley felt bad and confessed to his mother, who thanked him for the deed. This was the first recorded act of conscience. There is no recorded act of conscience in the Indus Valley or Chinese civilisati­ons. So, don’t confess. Truth is overrated. If it weren’t, how would politician­s flourish? You are lucky to get a second chance. If you both love your significan­t others, keep quiet and move on. You’ll always feel a little insecure. But, you should suffer a little bit now, shouldn’t you? I am 35 and I have never had a girlfriend. All my friends are married. My parents want me to get married. They want me start seeing girls for an arranged marriage. I am on many dating sites, but have been unlucky so far. How can I find a woman who will marry me? — MS

You seem to want to find your own girl. You don’t want your parents to interfere. In actuality, a love or arranged marriage is one and the same thing, like the two sides of a coin, or the two sides of a teaspoon, or the two sides of a lady. Okay, not the last one, but definitely the first two. Love, or arranged, two people have to like each other. Instead of thinking of the end result, try and pursue like-minded girls. Girls with the kind of personalit­y and interests that you like. For example, I like girls who are into carpentry and dog breeds. And please relinquish control. In this noble pursuit of yours, the more the merrier. Let your parents help.

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