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This year, the actor wants to be injuryfree and “enjoy life without any pain”

- Kavita Awaasthi n

All I want this birthday is to not be injured anymore,” says birthday boy Vivian Dsena, who has been troubled by numerous injuries including one in the hamstring and the other leading to lower back pain. A nerve in his lower back is getting compressed by his back muscles which has been causing him a lot of pain. “It gets worse when I am travelling for my shoots. Sitting in a car for long hours makes it terrible. I am managing to shoot for my ongoing TV show and travelling with the help of muscle relaxants. I have been getting injured often in the last two years. This year, I want to be injury-free and enjoy life without any pain because I have been handling it for the past two years,” says the Madhubala actor.

Vivian has no plans for his birthday today but has an inkling that his family is planning something special for him. “My friends and family make this day special each year and it’s always wonderful to be with them on my birthday. I like low-key celebratio­ns and having a quiet dinner with family,” says the actor, whose last big birthday bash was four years ago.

Talking about birthday gifts, Vivian says, “When I turned seven, my parents gave me a pet dog. He was an Alsatian and I always wanted a dog as I didn’t have a sibling. So, to get a pet at the age of seven was wonderful as it helped during my growing up years. I named him Jimmy and after he passed away, we didn’t get another dog as it was tough for me. I tried getting over it but I couldn’t.” A few years ago, he found a one-month-old kitten in his building compound and adopted her. “We call her Costa and we brought her home after we realised her mom was missing and she was all alone. She is a darling, four years old and perhaps, we were destined to be together. She is a cat but behaves like a dog. She is demanding and senses when I am about to reach home, gives me company when I am at home and is too adorable,” says the proud pet parent.

My friends and family make this day special each year and it’s always wonderful to be with them on my birthday. I like lowkey celebratio­ns and having a quiet dinner with family. VIVIAN DSENA, ACTOR

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