HT Cafe

Solo travelling helps you find your personalit­y: Karan

- Kavita Awaasthi

If you check out Karan Tacker’s Instagram account, you will see that he regularly posts numerous photos from his trips to various cities across the world. The actor, who loves travelling solo, advocates the same for others too. Karan says, “Solo travelling helps you find your own personalit­y and build a relationsh­ip with yourself. That sense of uncertaint­y, not knowing the [foreign] language and the idea of feeling lost is very thrilling for me. It’s that nervousnes­s that excites me. I would say the idea of feeling lost in a new city and then finding yourself is thrilling. You have to just feel it. I feel there’s a sense of discovery in solitude. Solo travelling makes you emotionall­y mature and indepen to meet new people from all over. I have ended up staying in touch with so many friends I made from my travels.”

The actor was in Bucharest, Romania recently to shoot an ad for a chocolate brand and the avid traveller stayed back for a few days to explore the city. Karan, who loves visiting London (UK) and New York (USA) the most, says, “Generally, for work, I travel alone and every time I go to any new city, I always try to stay back for an extra day or two after I wrap up my work. I love exploring a city on foot and end up strolling around for six to eight hours. Seeing things at my own pace, stopping at cafes and discoverin­g the hidden charms of the city is fun. I relish every moment spent with myself exploring a new city.”

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Karan Tacker

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