HT Cafe

‘I go nuts over gelato’


- Anjali Shetty

Which is the one breakfast food that you must have? Eggs are a good source of protein, vitamins and fats, and a great way to start the day fuelled up.

One fattening food item that you just can’t resist? Ice-cream or Indian sweets such as rasmalai and jalebi always tempt me. I go nuts when I go to a gelato store, I end up eating two large scoops on cones.

How do you get back in shape post a fattening indulgence? Hard work and grumbling mainly (laughs). You have to burn all the fat you have accumulate­d overtime and maintain the ratio of muscle, fat and water in the body. It only happens with time and repetitive patterns of workouts.

Do you prefer mini meals? What do they contain?

Yes. I maintain meals with high protein and fat, and low carbs. I have oats with protein powder, almonds, protein biscuits, meal replacemen­ts, salads, etc.

A diet plan that works? Depends on the goals but low carbs with at least 1gm of protein per pound of body weight works for me. If I have to gain weight, I add 200gm of carbs per day.

Favourite physical activities? Playing sports is my preferred cardio activity, especially adventure sports, yoga, volleyball or swimming. There is a cardio effect and a great plyometric effect as well when you are bending stretching and using your muscles in different ways. I love to trek too provided the weather permits.

A health tip that you rely on. Sleep and water are more important than you can possibly imagine. No programme can succeed without this.

 ??  ?? Vivan Bhatena
Vivan Bhatena

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