HT Cafe

Keep varicose veins at bay

- Anjali Mukerjee

Veins are blood vessels that carry blood from the body upwards to the heart. Tiny one-way valves inside veins open to let the blood through and then close to prevent it flowing backwards.

Sometimes, the valves of the veins can lose their elasticity due to prolonged high pressures in the veins. Improper functionin­g of the valves can cause the blood to flow backwards, and collect in the veins making them swollen and enlarged. These enlarged, swollen, and twisted veins are known as varicose veins, and often appear blue or dark purple. They tend to become more common with increasing age.

There is no cure for faulty valves of the veins. Some possible factors causing varicose veins are heredity, obesity, lack of exercise, sitting or standing for a long time, low fibre diet, pregnancy and age.


■ Keep the legs at an elevated position

■ Avoid prolonged sitting or standing

■ Indulge in regular exercise (walking is ideal)

■ Avoid alcohol and smoking

■ Avoid wearing tightfitti­ng clothes

One of the best ways to prevent or treat varicose veins is to follow a diet consisting of foods rich in protein, fibre, rutin, hesperidin, quercetin, and vitamins C, E and B. Proteins: Lack of proteins can weaken the walls of veins.

Therefore, it is important to consume legumes, such as soy and nuts. Nonvegetar­ians can eat poultry and lean meats in moderate amounts.

Fibre: It contribute­s to wall formation in veins. A good intake of soluble fibre is necessary to maintain vein health.

Rutin: It helps improve circulatio­n because of its ability to prevent capillary fragility. Plant sources of rutin are strawberri­es, blackberri­es, raspberrie­s, citrus fruits, apricots, elder tea, spinach and watercress.

Hesperidin: It is used especially as a protector of the capillarie­s. Its dietary sources are citrus fruits.

Quercetin: It is present in onions in large amount. Onions can be considered as a preventive home remedy for varicose veins. Other rich sources of quercetin are green tea, spinach, kale, garlic, etc.

Vitamin C: It helps in the developmen­t of important connective tissues, such as collagen and elastin. Its antioxidan­t property helps prevent free radicals to alter health of blood vessels and prevents varicose veins from becoming worse. Citrus fruits, peppers, carrot, dark green leafy vegetables like cabbage or broccoli, are good sources of this vitamin.

Vitamin E: It helps improve blood circulatio­n as it can dilate blood vessels. Sources of this vitamin are wheatgerm oil, sunflower seeds and oil, hazelnuts, toasted almonds and olive oil.

Vitamin B: It helps to maintain blood vessel health. Whole grains are rich in this vitamin. Other sources are legumes and nuts.


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