HT Cafe

Did you know your subconscio­us mind directs your body language


How you stand, walk and talk go a long way in determinin­g how others look at you. Your subconscio­us mind directs your body language. It may not always be in sync with what you are thinking or saying. So, someone who is focused and courteous could still come across as bored or aggressive if their body language is not positive. Here are a few tips on bettering your body language: A confident body posture:

■ Do not slump when sitting in your chair. Also, do not sit on the edge, but sit back instead. Keep your back straight, roll your shoulders back.

■ Avoid fidgeting: Shun habits such as tapping your fingers or feet, touching your face, picking at something, constantly playing with your hair and fidgeting. These habits give others the idea that you are nervous, bored, restless or impatient. Do not hide your hands in your pocket while communicat­ing with someone. It gives an impression that you confused or non-serious.

■ Smile: It costs nothing but the rewards are great. It makes you look good, it instantly lifts up your mood and brings down stress, as you release endorphins. You also come across as confident and approachab­le. Also use gestures and nod while talking.

■ Look up: Don’t look down at the ground or your feet when talking to someone. Sit straight and talk confidentl­y as you look into their eyes. Good eye contact makes communicat­ion effective. Keep your hands

■ relaxed: Keeping your arms

crossed while talking to someone makes you look upset. Hang your arms in a relaxed manner or keep them together in your lap.

Inputs by Vimal and Preeti

Daga, educationi­sts


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