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As Akshay Kumar crosses the 150-film mark, he says it wasn’t even in his “wildest dreams” that he would survive as a Bollywood actor for so long

- Prashant Singh

He has been on a roll for the past few years with a track record of back-toback successes. A case in point: Last year all four of his films (Kesari, Mission Mangal, Housefull 4 and Good Newwz) hit bull’s eye. But Akshay Kumar, who’s readying for the release of Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavans­hi next, insists he doesn’t have any “success mantra” but only hard work to credit for the feat. “It’s been a good two decades plus [for me], and I want to be here [in Bollywood] only,” says the actor, who has multiple releases in 2020 as well. Excerpts from an interview:

Last year, you completed your 150th film. That’s been quite a trip. How do you look at the journey?

I truly believe in counting my blessings, and gratitude is all I feel. More than awe, it’s a surprise that I’ve come this far, because it’s something I didn’t imagine even in my wildest dreams when I started out. It’s been a good two decades plus for me, and I want to be here [in Bollywood] only, doing this every day of my life, till audiences want me to do it.

You have had a very special and successful associatio­n with cop roles in your career. Now, as you return to that space in Sooryavans­hi, what are your feelings like?

Any role that requires me to wear a uniform – be it of an army person, navy officer or a police man – it automatica­lly instills a sense of pride. In my career, I’ve had the good fortune of portraying all the above mentioned parts. Now, the only part I’m yet to do is that of an Air Force pilot. Let’s see if I get lucky with that as well.

Unlike most cop dramas in Bollywood, the film’s storyline is extremely relevant to today’s times and the world that we live in. Was that one of the reasons for you to say yes to the film?

Of course, and I’ve said that before also. It’s true that the main idea of making a film is to entertain but, along with that, if a message can also be conveyed in an entertaini­ng manner, I’m absolutely game. Plus, having watched and enjoyed Singham (2011) and Simmba (2018), I was very happy to collaborat­e with the master action director, Rohit Shetty and be a part of his cop universe.

The film has you along with Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn. How was that, especially since nowadays, we don’t see big stars sharing screen space with one another? Does that bother you?

Absolutely not, I’ve always believed in ‘more the merrier’.

It’s a pity that unlike Hollywood, we don’t do multistarr­ers or even two-hero films in Bollywood. As for shooting with them, it was great. In fact, Ajay and I go back a long way, having done quite a few films together [mainly in the 90s] when ‘two-hero’ films were a thing. And Ranveer is a good friend, we share a great rapport on and off screen.

Any role that requires me to wear a uniform – be it of an army or navy officer or a cop – it instills a sense of pride. Now, the only part I’m yet to do is of an Air Force pilot. AKSHAY KUMAR ACTOR

2019 turned out to be another super successful year for you. Does such success streak make you happy, or pressurise you since there are a lot of expectatio­ns from you now?

Expectatio­n is the root cause of disappoint­ment. Every actor wants every film of his to work, no matter how many successes he/she has had. And that’s how even I function, but while striving for success, sometimes you get lucky, and at times, you don’t. So, what’s important is to take it all in your stride, be it the past glory or failure, and move ahead.

Talking about Sooryavans­hi, it’s the first time that you have teamed up with filmmaker Rohit Shetty. How was it being a part of his ‘over-the-top, super entertaini­ng’ world?

Rohit knows exactly what he wants and I know his filming style is “over-thetop” but it’s massy as well. He knows the pulse of the audience and what works with them. So, it was a lot of fun blowing up cars and hanging from helicopter­s, as it’s all completely within my comfort zone ( laughs).

With such back-to-back hits, many wonder if you have hit upon a secret mantra. Is there one?

If I tell you, then it wouldn’t be secret. Right? I am just kidding, as there’s no secret mantra. It’s all about a little bit of hard work and lots of luck because even if you work really hard but luck isn’t on your side, then there’s nothing really that you can do.

One thing that really stands out in your filmograph­y is the sheer variety that you have been offering, and that too successful­ly. Has it been a well thought-out strategy?

Well, as they say, ‘variety is the spice of life.’ And though I can’t handle spices in my food, they are a must in my films (laughs). I don’t like to be monotonous – trying out something new excites me and luckily for me, I’ve been getting new script ideas which make me tick.

It’s all about a little bit of hard work and lots of luck because even if you work really hard but luck isn’t on your side, then there’s nothing really that you can do.


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