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‘His cheerful nature and talent will be missed’


“He had such immense will power that he performed even at the age of 92. He will be with us forever”

Hindustani classical musician

The music world has been shattered. His memories will remain with us for years. He was a singer of such a big stature. His cheerful nature and talent will be missed forever. He introduced Indian classical music to the world, and all the respect that we get today, we owe it to him. In 1946, I performed with him for the first time when I played the tabla with him. It was my elder brother who introduced me to him and he did not hesitate even once in giving a young boy like me a chance.

In 1952, I sang on the radio, and he heard me sing for the first time. He then said, “You have a beautiful voice, keep it this way forever.” In 1953, he invited me to sing at a private gathering in his house. He knew the art of keeping his fellow artists happy. He had no insecurity. He used to encourage young talent a lot. This quality made him more popular. Also, he was far ahead of other artists.

I met him last in April this year in San Diego. He had got discharged that day and waited on a chair for about three hours for me. We had food together. His hospitalit­y was like no other’s. He had such immense will power that he performed even at the age of 92. Unhe jitna yaad kiyajaaye, kamhai!’

 ?? Pandit Jasraj, 82, ??
Pandit Jasraj, 82,

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