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Delhi Secret Supper Club


No, they don’t eat in secret – not exactly. This is a motley group of people with one thing in common: their love for food and novel experience­s. Why secret? We are a secret supper club because we aim to challenge public culture and norms and bring back some elements of forbidden secrecy – a twist their members love. The club regularly hosts secret events and invites strangers who can, in their own words, “hold a conversati­on more than 7 minutes without saying pretentiou­s lala.” None of these events is first-come-first-served, they are invite-only. How can you get in? Well you can drop them an email and you will be judged on your wit, intelligen­ce, passion and experience­s. There are no restrictio­ns on the kind of background you come from, but you can’t buy your way in. To know more: https://www.facebook. com/pages/Delhi-Secret-Supper-Club/

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