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As a new survey suggests that almost 90% of Indians are protein deficient, we understand its importance and how the essential nutrient can be best consumed

- Soumya Vajpayee Tiwari soumya.vajpayee@hindustant­

Arecent survey conducted by the Indian Market Research Bureau across seven Indian cities suggested that nine out of 10 Indians consume inadequate amounts of protein daily. While everyone often talks about the importance of maintainin­g a protein-rich diet, not many understand exactly why the nutrient is so relevant to our well-being, and what its deficiency can do to the body.

Its importance

Protein is essential for the growth and proper functionin­g of the body. It maintains cell growth, and builds and repairs body tissues. It also helps build stamina, and strengthen­s the digestive and immunity systems. “Protein deficiency causes weakness, anaemia, delayed wound healing and a decreased resistance to infection. Low protein intake has also been associated with high frequency of toxemia of pregnancy,” says Dr Nupur Krishnan, clinical nutritioni­st. The body is constantly building protein

from amino acids.

Deficiency may occur due to

Kidney disease Cirrhosis of the liver Chronic dysentery Poor digestion Loss of appetite

Sources of protein

Milk and milk products like curd, cottage cheese, butter, chana, buttermilk, tofu and cheese. You can also get your daily dose of protein from soyabean, pulses, eggs, fish, chicken, red meat and nuts, apart from oil seeds like almonds, walnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts and pistachios.

Don’t go overboard

Generally, the protein requiremen­t for a healthy adult is 1gm to 1.5gm per kg of the person’s ideal body weight. Protein requiremen­t increases in situations of stress (like illness or surgery), or when there is a change in the physiologi­cal state of the body (like during a pregnancy or an endurance workout).

However, the consumptio­n of any nutrient in excessive quantities can be harmful. Flushing out this extra protein also strains the kidneys. Therefore, it is recommende­d that those on high-protein diets should make sure they drink a lot of water during the day, so that the extra toxins from the body can be flushed out.

Also keep in mind is that after the body converts a particular amount of protein into energy, the leftover amount is then converted to fat. Consumptio­n of protein supplement­s like creatinine, without an active workout routine, can also lead to an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood. This in turn can cause weight gain, dehydratio­n, and leaching of important bone minerals.

Effects of inadequate intake

Protein intake of less than 1gm can be considered low, and can lead to muscle waste, and weakness. It can also cause a drop in the body’s immunity levels, causing frequent infections. Low protein intake can affect the appearance of the skin and cause changes in the texture of the hair. Extreme protein deficiency can result in shock, and even death.

For those on the go

 ??  ?? Keep protein powder handy to make a shake on the go Protein
s strengthen yourimmuni­ty anddigesti­ve
Keep protein powder handy to make a shake on the go Protein s strengthen yourimmuni­ty anddigesti­ve system

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