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Vulgar rapping a no for Jassi

- Yashika Mathur yashika.mathur@hindustant­

The trend in the music industry might have changed from simple, soulful tracks to fast-paced rap songs, but this will not encourage singer Jasbir Jassi (above) to collaborat­e with rappers who use vulgar lyrics in their tracks. “I will never work with any rap artist just because it is the trend right now. I don’t have anything personal against anyone but I cannot work on music that has vulgar lyrics. If ever they plan to make their music clean, I will be more than willing to work with them,” says the Dil Le Gayee singer.

The 45-year-old is glad that awareness against improper lyrics is increasing, but he is not satisfied with a section of people banning it. “The government is also listening to our plea of not having vulgar lyrics, but people should be the ones who should understand and not support shallow music. Only when the masses ignore such music will it help. People add abuses to Punjabi songs and the rest of the world thinks that this is how our culture is,” adds Jasbir.

Jasbir says that while he loves to listen to old, classic tracks, he does rue the fact that the longevity of songs is decreasing nowadays. “Lyrics should be long-lasting and should have grace so that if people listen to it even after a year or more, they should still be able to enjoy it. Songs being made these days are not remembered even after two weeks. Only the songs which are strong in terms of melody and lyrics are the ones which will be remembered,” he concludes.

I have nothing personal against anyone but I cannot work on music which has vulgar lyrics

Jasbir Jassi, singer


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