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Consume those immunity boosters

Here are expert tips and tricks on building immunity and combating the winter chill in a healthy way


The struggle to keep healthy intensifie­s as we move into the dreaded cold and flu season. While there are plenty of remedies available to boost our immunity, some of us still try hard to find the right ones that will help fight off the cold. A healthy diet goes a long way in not only ensuring a fit body, but also reduces mental stress. Here are some essential foods, recommende­d by nutritioni­st Ishi Khosla, which can be consumed on the go, while also boosting your immunity and helping you keep fit:

Dairy products

Enriched with calcium, proteins, vitamins and minerals, dairy products like milk, yoghurt and cheese should be consumed at least once a day. They help in making the bones stronger while also reducing fat and sugar levels in our body. Lukewarm milk post dinner helps in building immunity. Yoghurt, however, should be avoided at night.

Green leafy vegetables

Veggies, preferably boiled, should be included in all meals. Spinach and broccoli are rich in iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium, are good for the eyes, and also ward off diseases like arthritis and diabetes. Vitamin K, C and E are also present in green leaves, which are known to boost immunity.


This fruit, an excellent source of vitamin C, is also rich in antioxidan­ts. Amla is known to increase the body metabolism, thus helping you shed a few pounds. Regular consumptio­n builds immunity and removes toxins from the body. Known to be good for the liver and the skin, it can be consumed in the form of juice, mixed with

honey, powdered, raw or even in the form of murabba.

Dry fruits

They’re filled with energy and nutritiona­l substances. Increasing good cholestero­l (HDL), while decreasing the bad one (LDL), dry fruits like almonds and raisins also contain omega 3 (good fats) and help maintain blood pressure levels. Rich in vitamin E, they also boost immunity. Snacking on them any time of the day, or having them with milk is equally beneficial for the body.

Other vegetable products like ginger, garlic, tomato, carrot, lotus stem are also readily available in winter. Consumptio­n of these foods is sure to give those white blood cells in your body a nudge and keep your immunity boosted.

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