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Take inspiratio­n from these expert tips and tricks to improve your immunity and combat the winter chill naturally


Winter is upon us and the hot cups of coffee in a heated room have found their way to our morning routines. As much as the idea of lying under layers of blankets all day is irresistib­le, one has to go out in the chilly conditions.

While some battle the sniffles, others desperatel­y try every trick in the book to make it through this season. There’s also no point to stay off cold medicines and cough syrups during these harsh conditions. Therefore, it’s essential to make a constant effort to boost your immunity and maintain a strong and balanced immune system.

Consuming plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, readily available during this season, exercising daily, and also keeping warm will provide your body with the nutrients and also make your body physically stronger, fulfilling the needs of your immune system and keeping the cold and cough away. There are plenty of remedies that help you stay healthy all winter, but we bring you the ones that have been successful­ly tested by our loving mothers: Mini Dang, housewife I give my child a little bit of ginger syrup mixed with honey in the morning and before going to bed to keep their immunity boosted. The fragrance of camphor and cloves tied in a piece of cloth helps avoid cold and infections too. Poonam Jain, housewife Wearing innerwear with socks and a woollen cap, ensures minimum loss of body heat. I also make sure that my child wears a sweater as soon as she gets out of the bed in the morning; this prevents her from getting exposed to the cold. Harinder Puri, psychologi­st A balanced diet makes sure that my child remains fit during winters. Citrus fruits, dry fruits and green vegetables are a must everyday for a better immunity. Two spoonfuls of Chyawanpra­sh daily also go a long way in keeping healthy. Kanupriya Kakkar, dentist Exercising daily and consuming foods rich in nutritiona­l value helps my child increase his immunity. I also ensure that my child maintains good hygiene and washes his hands before every meal. Adequate sleep is also essential. Anushree Mathur, teacher My children follow a daily practice of doing different yoga exercises in the morning. They also have garlic pearls with milk every day which helps them build immunity. My children also eat an amla daily which also helps them keep healthy. Nupur Singh, lawyer I ensure that my children are always covered in layers of clothing. A thick jacket does not really protect against the cold as compared to many layers of clothing. Plus a healthy diet with a minimum consumptio­n of junk food goes a long way in

keeping fit.

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