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BEING, B U YhoosIeNec­o-Gpositive ECO WISE

- Snigdha Ahuja

There’s no denying, it’s fashionabl­e to say ‘I wear organic.’ But, do we really know what organic is? While we might be investing in it, we are not helping fashion’s sustainabl­e side. On World Environmen­t Day, tomorrow, it’s time we take charge of what we buy. Know the difference — sustainabl­e and organic: The source of your fabric makes it organic. Is the crop grown without chemical interventi­on, without harming nature?

And no, buying organic doesn’t mean you are adding to sustainabi­lity. Designer Gaurav Jai Gupta puts it succinctly. “It’s based on the thought: If it is not required, why would you do it? Fashion that includes minimal wastage, is need-based, and responsibl­e, is sustainabl­e.” You might be buying organic, but make sure you study your brand. Does it maximise quality? Minimise waste? Buy local, buy homegrown: Make full use of India’s handloom prowess. “When you buy something made by hand, you become a part of a value chain, which is creating demand for a particular product. As a conscious designer, one needs to create fashion in which one doesn’t have to cry it’s handloom — it should pass merits of good design and quality,” says designer Anavila Misra. Buy ethical: Buy a thing of value. “No one is looking at what is ethical and value systems are being ignored. A big thing for me is ‘no plagiarism’,”adds Jai Gupta. So when you buy, buy original.

“Do we want to keep adding bulk to our wardrobe? As consumers, know that the garment industry is the second most polluting industry — awareness is a big step. We, as a country, have to be self-sufficient in what we produce and what we consume,” Aggarwal adds, with some fashionabl­e food for thought to take home.

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