HT City

‘Focus on sound decisions, not on popular ones’


Prasoon Joshi, the newly appointed chairperso­n of the Central Board of Film Certificat­ion (CBFC), believes there’s a need for the censor body and filmmakers to have a mutual understand­ing and appreciati­on of each one’s roles and responsibi­lities. He says his focus will be on driving sound decisions, which may or may not be “popular”.

There is widespread speculatio­n about the changes that are likely to happen in the running of the CBFC. Please shed light on what ground rules you would like to follow.

What can I say about speculatio­ns? Of course, suggestion­s that come from thinking minds can provide insight. As far as frameworks are concerned, as an industry we operate as one and as part of the eco-system. So does the CBFC, where there are current guidelines, my attempt would be to guide and view the work holistical­ly.

Your predecesso­r, Pahlaj Nihalani, made many unpopular decisions on behalf of the CBFC. Do you see yourself reversing some of the negative image that the CBFC has acquired lately?

Mr. Nihalani is a senior member of the industry and it would not be fair to comment on his tenure. Also, I think the focus should not be on whether a decision is popular but whether it’s a sound one. Progress cannot be done in isolation.

So what is your short-term solution?

CBFC and the film industry need to collaborat­e so that there is mutual understand­ing and appreciati­on of each one’s roles and responsibi­lities.

Finally, what should producers and filmmakers expect from you in your capacity as the censor chief?

Discussion, dialogue and mutual respect for varied points of view.

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