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‘Why turn to history when you are dating someone else?’


I have been dating a girl for the last two years. But recently, our common friend proposed to me. She says she is madly in love with him. She has proposed to me twice already. I get very emotional when she tries to explain to me her situation. I feel bad for her. What do I do? Nari 1. Nari, this is a very confusing set up in mathematic­al terms, it’s A² + B² = C² = B² + A². The girl proposed to you and then said she’s madly in love with a common friend of both of you? That’s like ordering a margarita pizza, and telling the delivery boy you prefer good old vada pao. Ask her to write a letter listing her preference­s in order of what she likes the most. She needs to clear everything up in her mind, before you, your common friend, other friends, the entire village or people in a European country far away respond. I have been going steady with my boyfriend for about two years. A few months back, one of my friends told me that my boyfriend was cheating on me. I’ve done everything to find out if he is cheating on me. But I couldn’t find any evidence. Nowadays, I keep constant tabs on him, which is creating friction between us.

SK SK, who do you think you are, CCTV? The great Naked philosophe­r Bactrus IV said, “Doubt is a very doubtful thing”. What he meant was when you plant doubt in a person’s mind, it grows faster than hair can curl. Your friend should have brought proper evidence, photograph­y, emails, recordings that sort of thing to you in triplicate. Just planting seeds of doubt, I feel is pretty doubtful. You are not sure, but you can’t stop yourself thinking negative. It’s like how I personally used to take this medicine which was supposed

to grow my hair, then someone told me it’s a medicine for plants to grow fast and healthy. Now I’m worried I’ll have a cactus growing out of my head. Stop keeping tabs, trust and be positive. Don’t predict or presuppose a negative outcome based on nothing.

I have been married for 10 years, and I am already bored of my wife. And, since I don’t find her interestin­g anymore, I get attracted to other women. But, I am scared to make the first move. What’s the solution to all these problems of mine? DK

First get a lawyer. Now that you have decided to dedicate yourself to women, while you are married, let me warn you, your wife can take you to the cleaners, and leave you with nothing, but your moustache. And what do you think, women the world over are just saving themselves for you? First move, here is not as important as your last move. Your last move will ensure you don’t get caught. The best is for you to first leave your wife, and then donate yourself to womankind. My ex, who had dumped me a few years back, has sent me a Facebook friend request all of a sudden. I was going to marry her, but then, she had broken up with me for petty reasons. We never spoke after that. Right now, I am

dating someone else. Should I accept her friend request and start talking to her? TJ

Golbus Govind wrote a book called Don’t Go Back, While Going Forward. In the book, while walking forward in a forest, his friend Raju, took a step back and fell into a snake pit. TJ, why do you wanna go backward while going forward? You are dating someone else, you both moved on, why turn to history. See when India turned to history, (Babri Masjid) see where it got us? People tell you to be mature, no harm in being friends. To me these people are very close to being mentally sick. By inviting her back, you are going to cause trouble. Facebook is not just about friend’s requests, there is such a thing called Facebook HISTORY. You know.

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