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A plan to breeze through menopause


Weight gain around menopause is very common. Most women above the age of 50, complain that they find it difficult to lose weight and understand­ably so, as menopause brings along with it a host of conditions related to hormonal decline that not only makes it hard for women to lose weight, but also causes changes in mood, blood lipids, bone density, skin, hair, muscle mass, sleep, energy, depression, etc.

However eating a high fibre, low-glycaemic-index diet and exercising regularly for about an hour everyday can prevent weight gain and reduce belly fat as well as risk to heart disease and diabetes. All the symptoms can be managed with a change in eating habits. Here are a few tips.


carbohydra­tes: In order to avoid central obesity (weight gain around the abdomen) restrict carbohydra­tes to once in the day, preferably at breakfast (e.g. wholewheat toast and boiled eggs followed by mint and coriander juice). Avoid grains for lunch and dinner (rice, wheat chappatis). Switch to lowglycaem­ic-index

carbs: Oats, millets, quinoa and barley have a low glycaemic index (GI) as compared to rice, wheat, jowar and bajra. So an oats porridge, quinoa salad or barley rice is a great idea.

Eat more fibre: Adding isabgol to your daily routine helps in increasing the fibre intake. It also reduces cholestero­l. It relieves you on constipati­on, cleans the colon and also assists in weight loss. So consume 5gms of isabgol twice a day to increase satiety and weight loss. Exercise for weight loss: Exercising is more important during and after menopause, for protecting muscles and bones. Resistance training is beneficial. Aerobic exercises like running and swimming are also helpful, as studies have suggested that it can help in belly fat reduction apart from preserving muscles during weight loss. Eat more protein: Add protein rich foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, tofu, paneer, skimmed milk, curd, sprouts, soya bean, whole pulses to every meal in small quantities to manage your symptoms of hair loss, poor skin, and weight gain. Anjali Mukerjee, nutritioni­st


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