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Will I go abroad for studies? If yes, when?

(Sahil, Meerut) Going abroad is indicated in your birth chart but it is not that easy too. However, possibilit­y of going abroad on study basis may not be ruled out and you need to strive for that. I don’t foresee your settlement there. Wear Emerald and Turquoise for good luck.

What are my career prospects in Medical field?

(Vijay Kalra, New Delhi) The medical profession suits you well. You need to work very hard to get your goals achieved, as I foresee some hurdles in getting the goals achieved. Wear White Sapphire and Pearls for good luck and prosperity.

When I will be having my new house?

(Ravinder, New Delhi) Possibilit­y of owning the property seems to be before August 11 2020. Especially the latter part of 2019 part and 2020 seem to be significan­t for this objective. Wear Emerald and Turquoise to reap good rewards.

What are my career prospects? What does future hold for me?

(Praveen Agarwal, Saharanpur) Conjunctio­n of Mercury and Saturn would ensure good career prospects. You would be well placed in your life. Latter part of 2018 or the year 2019 would bring good opportunit­ies. Wearing of Emerald and Turquoise would yield good results.

Will I be able to marry the boy of my choice? How successful will be my marriage?

(Swati, Lucknow) Possibilit­y of love marriage may not be ruled out but not necessaril­y with the same guy you are in love with now. Success of marriage would depend upon the compatibil­ity of horoscopes, as 7th house in your birth chart is afflicted badly with Rahu. Test out Blue Sapphire.

When will I be able to recover my money given over two years back?

(Naveen, Ambala) You are running the main period of Rahu, which is not well placed in your birth chart and hence might

take a long to get your money back. However, possibilit­y for all this arises even from May 24, 2019 to May 23, 2020. Wearing of Emerald and Turquoise would ensure speedy results on the desired end.

Will I be able to get admission in any of the IIMs?

(Sanjay, Gurgaon) Good planetary position promises good results in your life. So put in the best to reap good rewards, as your efforts might yield results. However, you need to strive more, as you are running the main period of Saturn that does not belong to the good houses in your birth chart. Wearing of Yellow Sapphire & Star Ruby would prove to be lucky for you.

I have lost four jobs in the last four years. When will I get a steady job?

(Gagan, Palampur) Time is not satisfacto­ry till June 17, 2020 and a good period would commence after 2019. So, the year 2020 would bring stability in the job. You should wear White Sapphire and Pearls to get your goals achieved.

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