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The Mukkabaaz effect: Thanks to actor Vineet kumar Singh’s jawdroppin­g physique in the film, tire flipping is the new fitness fad. Experts guide us on how to go about it

- Abhinav Verma

From the classic Rocky series or the cult film Raging Bull, there’s something about boxing movies that inspires us. The latest one to do so is Mukkabaaz. The film’s lead actor Vineet Kumar Singh trained extensivel­y for a year for his role of a boxer. And he could be seen flipping heavy tires in the film as if they are nothing. Curious to know the benefits of it, and the correct way to do it, we ask Fitness experts Ilu Singh and Jinnie Gogia Chugh to guide us.


Start properly: To get into the starting position, push your hips back. This will ensure that your back is straight and your core is engaged.

Hand grip: Opt for the underhand grip and then place your hands on the tire treads. Don’t place your hands in between the tread; you can get injured. Lifting and flipping: The power for the lift comes from your hips. Drive up the tire using your hips. When the tire is vertical, you ought to catch it overhand, and then push it over.


Incorrect posture can cause you injury. Your back should be straight. Otherwise, maintainin­g the kyphotic curve (upper back has an outward curvature by which the spine is bent forward) during tire flip is difficult. The tire should be kept close to the body, just like a deadlift. If it’s not close then while lifting the tire, a lot of pressure can come on your lower back. And you don’t want that.

If you are a beginner in the gym, then don’t attempt it. You need to have a strong lower back to flip tires. Always do this exercise under supervisio­n of a trainer.


1) Lateral jumps: Stand parallel to the tire. Squat and jump sideways onto the tire and land in a half- squat position. Then again jump sideways onto the ground. And repeat. It helps to strengthen and condition your lower body and core. It improves mobility, agility and endurance.

2)The farmer walk: Stand in a deadlift position inside the tire. Lift the tire and go for a walk. Your chest and shoulders should be straight. This will work your calves and shoulder. It will help increase and condition your grip strength. This is an excellent endurance building exercise.

3) Decline pushups: Place your hands on the floor but they should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Now, place your toes on the tire and do a pushup. This will work your upper pectoral muscles. It helps to increase your hand strength and also works your core.

4) Tire deadlift: Stand inside the tire in a deadlift position. Lock the tire shoulders down before you perform the deadlift. It improves grip strength. It also increases hip and shoulder strength and improves lower body mobility.

5) Toe touches: First, stand in front of the tire. Move your left knee up and touch the tire with your toe. At the same time, move your right arm backward. Repeat this with your right knee and left arm. The idea is perform these actions quickly. It increases your foot speed and accelerati­on. It also works your hip flexors.

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