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David Arquette

After Arquette and wife Courteney Cox separated in 2010, he was seen dancing and behaving strangely at nightclubs. Later, he told a talk show host that he’d been drinking a lot and acting like a “maniac”. Reportedly, post this, he checked himself into a rehabilita­tion centre to treat his alcoholism and depression.

Katy Perry Reportedly, Perry went into depression post her divorce from Russell Brand. “It was sad and there were thoughts, but there were never actions, thankfully,” said Perry. This was also in reference to her previous admission that she had tried to commit suicide. Miranda Kerr

The Australian supermodel went into depression after she split from Pirates of the Caribbean star Orlando Bloom in 2013. Later, she told a magazine, “When Orlando and I separated, I actually fell into a really bad depression. I never understood the depth of that feeling or the reality of that, because I was naturally a very happy person. Every thought you have affects your reality and only you have control of your mind.”

Nicole Kidman Reportedly, Kidman went through severe depression post her split from Tom Cruise. She was quoted as saying, “I got married really quickly and really young. But I don’t regret that, because it got me (my children) Bella and Connor, and I did have a fantastic marriage for a long period. Then, when it didn’t work out, I had to really dig deep and find my way through depression.”

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