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Shashank Arora denies being a part of Thugs of Hindostan

- Monika Rawal Kukreja

Actor Shashank Arora was in for a pleasant surprise when several news sources ‘by mistake’ carried his name among the star cast of Thugs of Hindostan (TOH), which features Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif and Amitabh Bachchan. He calls it the “most beautiful error”, and says, “No, I am not a part of Thugs of Hindostan. Though I would have loved to be, but no, I am not there in the film in any big or small role.”

The 27-year-old actor, who has acted in films such as Titli (2014) and Lipstick under My Burkha (2016), adds that he was informed about the same by his father. “My dad called me one day and said, ‘Wow, you’re doing Thugs of Hindostan’. And I was like, ‘what, who and how?’ And he said that’s what the papers are saying,” says Shashank.

He laughs, “I think the journalist writing the story quite liked me or my name. Or maybe there’s another person by the name Shashank Arora, which is quite unlikely though. Anyway, I just feel so blessed and happy.”

Probing more on the reason behind the goof-up, Shashank says, “Maybe the fact that I had already done a film with the same banner (the one that is making TOH), the journalist just assumed that I am there in this film too.”

He says his friends are congratula­ting him for “bagging a film with Katrina Kaif and Aamir Khan”. “And I am like, ‘I haven’t even given any audition!’” he wraps up.

I am not a part of Thugs of Hindostan. Though I would have loved to be, but I am not there in any big or small role. My friends are congratula­ting me and I am like, ‘it’s just a confusion, guys!’ SHASHANK ARORA ACTOR

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