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How to tell if you’re falling for a catchandre­lease dater

- Akshay Kaushal (With inputs from relationsh­ip experts Jai Madaan and Pulkit Sharma)

Finding your Mr or Miss Right is no easy task. You might meet someone and hit it off well, or dislike them completely, but there’s also a chance that you might come across and fall for a catch-andrelease dater.

First things first, here’s what the term means — it’s used to describe a person who gets a thrill out of pursuing someone by going all out to show how much he or she is interested in another person. And the moment that someone falls for him or her, this person looses interest and looks for other potential preys.

Do note that the emotional ones typically become victims of such people, as they fool a person into believing that it’s genuine love, whereas they’d win one’s heart and derive a sick pleasure by abandoning that person without any explanatio­n.

Here are signs that can help you know if your potential date is into catch and release: They’re always in a hurry: If your date shows no patience and instead of taking time to know you well, is more involved in the physical aspect of the relationsh­ip, then it can be a case of catch and release. They might end up saying that it was love at first sight for them.

Avoiding long term commitment: Those who have a habit of telling the other person to live in the present and not think of how their relationsh­ip will shape up are usually the ones who are prepared to make a back door exit from the relationsh­ip. They would always avoid having discussion­s about your future plans as a couple. They get bored easily: You will see that such dates are always distracted. Initially, they will show that their life revolves around you but in due course of time you will realise their lack of interest in you. Here’s another thing — you would notice that they are admiring other people more often than they would do that to you.

They would be too sweet to be true: Sometimes their behaviour would just surprise you. They would be too good to believe in trying to woo you. And that’s where the hint lies if they’re being pretentiou­s. So, watch out!


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