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Vegan way forward?

Are you contemplat­ing adopting a lifestyle that abstains from any animal-based products? Here are a few things you might want to consider before you commit to it

- Sarojini Jose

Contrary to popular belief, veganism does not just finish at being a vegan through diet. It means discarding everything tangible made of animal products, right from leather and silk to fur. It is a dietary choice, that is definitely an extreme form of vegetarian­ism.

People are taking to veganism for many reasons including weight loss among the other health benefits it has to offer. In fact, the month of January is promoted as Veganuary to encourage people to adopt this lifestyle or at least try it for a month.

Speaking about its rising popularity, Pavan Chennam, executive chef, says, “As an increasing number of people adopt plant-based diets around the world, restaurant­s and chefs are eager to cater to the growing trend by creating vegan menus. Chefs have started introducin­g vegan dishes on their menu. Pop-up events are also done with vegan dishes on the menu.”

But jumping on the fad diet bandwagon may have its consequenc­es and veganism is not devoid of its share of downsides. According to Munmun Ganeriwal, nutritioni­st, veganism as a concept is better suited for non-Indians. She gives a simple example of milk. “Milk from the European breeds contains the A1 variant of beta casein protein, which has been related to allergies and serious health conditions. Milk from indigenous breeds is of superior quality and carries the crucial A2 beta casein protein. Veganism works for Western countries because when they avoid milk, they avoid the inferior A1 milk. For us, it is foolish to give up milk, ghee, curd, etc,” she says.

Recognisin­g one of the biggest criticisms of a nonvegetar­ian diet, she insists that non-vegetarian­s exercise caution and avoid meat from factory farms. “Only thing is you need to ensure that you are having meat or eggs from animals raised in sustainabl­e and cage-free farms,” she says.

Those looking forward to trying out veganism can do so in a safe manner by following these guidelines, suggested by Neha Shetty, nutrition expert.

■ Balance it out: Make sure to gorge on veggies, fruits, grains, lentils, nuts and healthy fats. A wellbalanc­ed diet would provide the right nutrients that your body needs. Macronutri­ents and fibres are essential to keep you full of energy, and plant foods are loaded with it

■ Get the protein: Animalbase­d foods are high in good quality proteins and your supply might go down when you turn vegan. So, proper alternativ­e sources of proteins such as tofu, soy beans, etc. should be consumed in regular intervals throughout the day.

■ Stay hydrated: A vegan diet is rich in fibre and hence consuming sufficient water is crucial to improve the digestion. So, make sure you consciousl­y sip on water.

■ Vitamin B12/D3 and iron: Animal products are rich in B12 and hence their levels in your body may go down when you abstain from it. When you turn vegan, it is crucial to supplement your body with vitamin B12 . And replacing milk with a calcium-rich diet is also essential. apart from including iron-rich veggies and fruits, and soaking up some sun.

■ Include probiotics: Dairy products contain good bacteria that help in our digestion. So it’s important to find a vegan friendly probiotic source such as coconut yoghurt or groundnut yoghurt.

■ Limit your processed food intake: Meat and dairy are more calorie-dense. So after switching to your vegan diet, to satiate your hunger pangs, do not buy those vegan processed or preserved foods.

■ Right ways: Keep an expert in the loop while you follow the diet to be sure it suits your body.

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