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Tips to avoid slipping into Type 3 diabetes

- Anjali Mukerjee

Some experts refer to Type 3 diabetes as brain diabetes. It means a progressio­n from Type 2 diabetes to Alzheimer’s disease, and is also related to forms of dementia, along with a decline in cognitive functions.

Insulin resistance in the brain, leading to Alzheimer’s, is now termed as Type 3 diabetes within the alternativ­e healthcare groups, but the term is not widely accepted by the medical community. People with Type 2 diabetes are 50-60% more prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease as compared to individual­s with normal blood-sugar levels.


A person in the early stages of Type 3 diabetes may demonstrat­e some of the warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease but not show elevated blood sugar levels in a laboratory test. The primary symptom is memory loss, where a person forgets important day-to-day activities and recent memories, and asks things repeatedly. People may do things slower and may get confused about simple things such as names, dates or places.


We can minimise the risk of Alzheimer’s by following a healthy lifestyle, and taking care of our diet and physical activity.

■ Eat healthy: Opt for a healthy, high fibre, low glycemic index diet, and avoid processed foods with added sugars.

■ Eat a diet rich in antioxidan­ts: Eat a diet rich in antioxidan­ts. Raw vegetable juices are a good way to start. Avoid alcohol and smoking.

■ Maintain blood sugar: Follow nutritioni­sts’ advice for diabetes management and monitor your glycosylat­ed blood-sugar levels regularly.

■ Manage stress: Get plenty of sound sleep to keep the mind sharp and manage stress.

■ Regular exercise: Incorporat­e aerobic exercise in your everyday routine to aid in proper blood circulatio­n throughout the body and brain, along with strength training to improve insulin sensitivit­y and lower blood sugar.


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