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Diwali card parties go through the roof

- ■ samarth.goyal@hindustant­ Samarth Goyal

I’m not usually the party-goer, but I think it’s fun to perform and be a party starter. AMAAL MALLIK MUSICIAN

Playing cards to win money on Diwali is a popular tradition, especially in Delhi. However, over the years card parties have grown in scale, from small get-togethers in one’s living room to ‘events’, featuring over 300 guests. And so have the costs involved. A source says while “a gathering of 10-20 people can cost up to ₹2-3 lakh” while expenses can be “between ₹2-3 crore” if it’s a party of over 100 people. “I’ve visited parties comprising 300 people and more too. Some people host one big party a year, which is like a statement,” a regular at some such parties in the Capital shares.


Nitin Arora, who organises such parties, informs that the bigger ones even tend to have themes, usually drawn from popular web shows such as Narcos, Money Heist or The

Sinner. “It is mostly the hosts who come up with the idea of wanting something unique at the party. So depending on their taste and the sort of guest list, we come up with ideas for themes. Even the hosts come up with their choice of theme. We recently did a party where the theme was Sufi,” he says.


In fact, Bollywood and internatio­nal acts have become a focal point of such parties. Recently a card party, hosted in one of the posh hotels in Jaipur, saw a performanc­e by popular

Bollywood composer and singer Amaal Mallik. “It was a beautifull­y organised event. I think the people were having such a blast, which gave me the vibe to bring some more craziness into their mood,” Amaal tells us. At the time of going to press, one such party was scheduled to be held in the Capital with performanc­es by Bollywood musicians such as Badshah and Sonu Nigam.


Food, often a combinatio­n of ‘exotic’ and Indian cuisines by Michelin-star chefs, and latenight orders, is also the major highlight at such parties. “Most parties have catered food but since these parties go on till late into the night, the demand for online food delivery has really surged. Momos or tikkas are the snacks of preference in the wee hours,” says Jai Sehgal, who is in the hospitalit­y business.

And what about the card games themselves? Well, teen patti rules but poker, Russian roulette and blackjack are also popular favourites. Which one’s yours?

 ?? STOCK PHOTO ?? Diwali card parties in the Capital are increasing­ly turning into huge events with budgets of over a crore
STOCK PHOTO Diwali card parties in the Capital are increasing­ly turning into huge events with budgets of over a crore
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