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Turning 29 this year, actor Aayush Sharma has plans to celebrate his birthday — as well as Diwali — with his family in a unique way

- Rishabh Suri ■

Vacationin­g in Maldives, away from the glitter, glamour, and pollution during the festive season, actor Aayush Sharma is having the time of his life with wife Arpita Khan Sharma — who is pregnant with their second baby — and three-yearold son, Ahil. In a secure profession­al space, with his next film opposite Katrina Kaif’s sister Isabelle Kaif, Aayush, the actor turns a year older, and talks about his birthday plans and the best gift he has received from his wife. Excerpts:

What is on the cards for today?

It has always been a happy coincidenc­e that my birthday, most of the time, has fallen during the Diwali season, and this year is no different. We’re already in Maldives for my birthday and Diwali celebratio­ns. I always wanted to try scuba diving. So this time I’m looking forward to overcome my fear of the sea and take the dive. I was keen to celebrate my birthday in a unique way, and I’m glad things fell in place. I’m really looking forward to celebratin­g it with my family.

What has been the best gift your wife has given you till date?

It’s a very difficult question to answer. Arpita has always done special things for me and it’s quite hard to choose. But the most beautiful gift she has given to me is our son Ahil.

It has been a year since your debut in LoveYatri. How different has life been after it?

It has changed a lot. LoveYatri has given me a lot as a film. It gave me an identity; people got to see my work on screen. More importantl­y, they meet me today and ask, ‘Are you the Chogada boy?’ It feels nice that in one film, I could achieve so much.

Though LoveYatri didn’t meet expectatio­ns commercial­ly, you were noticed, and now you are set for your second film, Kwatha. Why did you take so much time to zero in on a second project? LoveYatri was my first film and I was still getting used to facing the camera. Everything happened for the first time, so it took a while to sink in. This time around, the fear and jitters are not there. I’m ready to take more risk and, I guess, bring something new to the table. Kwatha is very different from LoveYatri, so I’m excited to experience this journey.

 ??  ?? Aayush Sharma
Aayush Sharma

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