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‘Jay has learnt it all, from changing nappies to making her burp’

- Sangeeta Yadav ■ sangeeta.yadav@hindustant­

After eight years of being married, TV couple Jay Bhanushali and Mahhi Vij welcomed their first child, Tara, on August 21. While parenthood brings an unmatched joy, Mahhi says it has been keeping them busy all day long.

“Ever since Tara has come into our life, both Jay and I have become more responsibl­e, and as parents, we ensure we give lots of love and care to Tara,” says Mahhi, who are also the guardians of their caretaker’s kids Khushi Ray and Rajveer since 2017.

Mahhi believes that parenting is a team effort and Jay has been a great help and pillar of strength in this journey as she says,“Jay is a hands-on father. He learnt everything at the hospital from changing nappies to making her burp. So, he helps me with everything related to Tara”.

A hands-on mother herself, Mahhi likes to do all of Tara’s work despite having a nanny. “The thing you do for your child, no one else would do it that well. Even if you get a nanny and pay them in lakhs, they wouldn’t be able to take care the way a mother would do,” she adds, “A lot of people told me that I’d get very tired taking care of the baby, but I feel refreshed doing all this.”

When asked why they waited for this long to have their biological child, Mahhi clarifies that since she got married at a young age, soon after starting her career, she wanted time to fulfil her family responsibi­lities. “Though Khushi and Rajveer are there and will always be there, Jay and I always wanted our own child, our own flesh and blood.

So, I consciousl­y decided that it’s time now to go ahead with it,” says the actor, who is also getting back to work slowly and steadily.

“Since Tara is too small and sleeps most of the time, I get enough time to explore other

The thing you do for your child, no one else would do it that well. A lot of people told me that I’d get very tired taking care of the baby, but I feel refreshed doing all this. MAHHI VIJ ACTOR

opportunit­ies. So, I’m anchoring events and made an appearance on TV show with Jay. I continue to work not just for me but give a better life to Tara and fulfil all her needs,” she shares.

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