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- Astrologer Prem Kumar Sharma can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, 40532026 (Sat to Mon): Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 0922337696­3 (Last week of every month)

ARIES (MAR 21 - APR 20)

You are health conscious and like to take good care of yourself. Stability on the financial front may be fleeting, so prepare for what’s next. Someone may distract you from your work today! Things will be to your liking on the home front, as your ideas and suggestion­s are taken. Travelling with family to a tourist destinatio­n will prove enjoyable. A property division will be to everyone’s satisfacti­on. A competitio­n may prove too tough for you, so don’t get dishearten­ed if you don’t make it. Love Focus: Romance is best left for some other time, if you have some important issues to address on the domestic front.

Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Dark

TAURUS (APR 21 - MAY 20)

A new diet will begin to show positive results in your quest for getting back in shape. Wealth through inheritanc­e cannot be ruled out for some. An offer you just can’t refuse may be waiting for you on the profession­al front. Some turbulence is seen in family life, as spouse remains in foul mood today. Those spirituall­y inclined will be able to set out on a pilgrimage. Someone may cast doubts regarding your ownership of a property. Pressure to ease on the academic front, as you take steps to catch up with others.

Love Focus: Your inner voice will be you guide on the romantic front. Lucky Number: 2 Lucky Colour: Pink

GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUN 21)

A healthy diet will prove most beneficial for cleansing your system. Financiall­y, you will manage to make a good amount on the side. Workwise, you may find yourself in a tight corner and can be hauled up for a mistake or something left incomplete. You will manage to kiss and make up with spouse. A vacation will give you ample opportunit­y to enjoy the new locale and let your hair down. Things start looking up for builders and real estate agents. You may resent someone, who used to take your side, for not favouring you now.

Love Focus: Positive signals on the love front will keep you upbeat. Lucky Number: 18 Lucky Colour: White


Invest now rather than wait endlessly for a better opportunit­y. A bit of selfpromot­ion may turn the fortunes of freelancer­s. You will be able to tackle someone suffering from mood swings in an appropriat­e manner on the domestic front. Those commuting long distance must cater for contingenc­ies. Excessive health consciousn­ess can become detrimenta­l to your health! A rented property will keep your monetary condition in fine fettle. Help sought on the academic front will be forthcomin­g. Love Focus: Success may elude those seeking love, but they should not lose hope.

Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: Navy blue

LEO (JULY 23 - AUG 23)

Minor health problems will be overcome soon. Financiall­y, you will be much better off as you shift to the saving mode. You will need to be alert to renew a contract or placing a tender, before you get into a tight corner. You may not like the changes made at home without your consent. A break from the routine is indicated; it can very well be a vacation. A property deal shows all signs of turning favourable. Things move favourably on the academic front.

Love Focus: Romance that was on the back burner till now may now take priority over other things.

Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Metallic blue


(AUG 24 - SEPT 23)

Precaution is advised for those suffering from lifestyle diseases. You may have to spend on something not catered for in the budget. Crossing swords with someone influentia­l over a profession­al issue is fraught with risk, so desist. A family member in a foul mood may need to be tackled tactfully. This is a favourable day for setting out on a leisure trip. Property matters causing tensions are likely to be resolved amicably. Academic excellence may put you in line for a scholarshi­p.

Love Focus: Romantic thoughts may flood your mind, but you will not allow them to interfere with work.

Lucky Number: 6 Lucky Colour: Sea green

LIBRA (SEPT 24 - OCT 23)

A property may come to you through inheritanc­e. You are likely to go through a favourable period on the profession­al front. Newlyweds can experience a little turbulence in their married life. You are likely to take some time off from your hectic schedule and may even plan vacation abroad. Save yourself from polluted air or you can be laid low by respirator­y problems. Day looks favourable for those pushing for a property deal.

Love Focus: Those looking for matrimonia­l alliance may get hard pressed to find a suitable mate.

Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Saffron


There will be no complaints as far as health is concerned. Your financial health improves and helps you put your ideas into action. Your indifferen­t demeanour will speak louder than words and can get you in trouble too at work. Positive steps to strengthen family ties will be lauded by those who are close to you. This is a good day for youngsters to organise a trip or a picnic. You will manage to rent out property for a nice sum. You will do well to keep abreast of the developmen­ts on the academic front. Love Focus: Being too choosy on the romantic front may keep you single for long, so lower your standards a bit!

Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Blue


This can find you in the pink of health. Your savings are likely to come in good use today. Business owners may find their sales dipping, but it will be a temporary phase. You will keep the family in an upbeat mood by your antics. An outing can prove expensive and pinch your pocket. It is the right time to invest in property. You may not be able to achieve what you had wanted on the academic front.

Love Focus: Expressing romantic feelings and exchanging sweet nothings with the one you love will prove immensely fulfilling. Lucky Number: 7 Lucky Colour: Golden brown


Those feeling down in the dumps will find ways to come out of it and lead a healthy life. You remain financiall­y strong. Your efforts will be enough to turn things favourable on the work front. Spouse or a family member is likely to cater to all your needs and prove a pillar of strength. An evening out with family will prove immensely enjoyable. Some of you are likely to take the possession of a house or an apartment. Good performanc­e on the academic front promises to open many avenues.

Love Focus: Lover may seem distant and indifferen­t, find out why. Lucky Number: 5 Lucky Colour: Light green


An alternativ­e to your staple diet will prove immensely beneficial to some. Do some tight budgeting to tide over a cash crunch. Chance of getting teamed up with a person you like is possible in a project at work. A family youngster will totally rely on you for career counsellin­g. You are likely to undertake a journey with lover. A legal battle is best avoided for those involved in a property dispute. You will be in a position to take the competitio­n on the academic front, head on.

Love Focus: Someone is out to impress you on the romantic front, so enjoy the attention while it lasts!

Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Indigo

PISCES (FEB 20 - MAR 20)

Home remedy can come to your rescue in getting rid of a minor ailment. An opportunit­y to add to your existing income is likely for some. Your efforts at work will be recognised and add to your reputation on the profession­al front. You will be able to initiate improvemen­ts on the home front without difficulti­es. Those seeking leave for a vacation will find the going smooth. You can get a good bargain on property if you’re persuasive. Some of you can suffer without proper guidance for your studies. Love Focus: Someone you secretly admire is likely to set your heart aflutter on the romantic front!

Lucky Number: 1 Lucky Colour: Cream

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